
Add a bunch of shortcodes to make life easier.

These will need to be abstracted a bit to handle other stuff like libgnt,
gplugin, talkatu, etc, but this is way easier to deal with than it was.

Testing Done:
Ran locally and verified all of the Sourceforge links are working.

Reviewed at
title: cve-2005-2370-00
date: 2005-08-11T00:00:00.000Z
cveNumber: cve-2005-2370
summary: Gadu-Gadu memory alignment bug
discoveredBy: Marcin Owsiany and Wojtek Kaniewski
fixedInRelease: 1.5.0
type: security
layout: cve
hidden: true
### Description
There was a memory alignment bug in the library Gaim uses to access the
Gadu-Gadu network. This bug can not be exploited on x86 architectures. This bug
was recently fixed in the libgadu library, but also needed to be fixed in Gaim
because Gaim includes a copy of the libgadu library.
### Mitigation
The vulnerable section of code was modified to work correctly on all