
Add blog post for the 2.14.2 release of pidgin

Include full changelog for the release and a link to download it on sourceforge

Testing Done:
1. Build image with `docker build -t pidgin-nest -f Dockerfile .`
2. Run image with `docker run -p 3000:3000 -it --rm pidgin-nest:latest`
3. Verified site being served from container was rendering post correctly using a web browser

Reviewed at
title: "Bintray Sunsetting"
date: 2021-02-04T22:13:17-06:00
replaces: []
Today [JFrog]( announced that they will be sunsetting
Bintray. You can read the announcement
Overall this doesn't affect us too much, but this does mean that we will be
relying on [SourceForge]( for our downloads going
forward. Also, we have updated previous articles that were pointing to Bintray
to mention this update.
A few ideas have been thrown around like using [IPFS](, but
due to our current timelines we can't afford to spend a lot of time
investigating and deploying new solutions. If you would like to help in this
regard please contact us!