
Add blog post for the 2.14.2 release of pidgin

Include full changelog for the release and a link to download it on sourceforge

Testing Done:
1. Build image with `docker build -t pidgin-nest -f Dockerfile .`
2. Run image with `docker run -p 3000:3000 -it --rm pidgin-nest:latest`
3. Verified site being served from container was rendering post correctly using a web browser

Reviewed at
title: Community
date: 2019-05-19T17:51:27.000Z
anchor: community
weight: 100
lastmod: 2020-01-14T05:00:21.000Z
Pidgin is a huge project with a community that helps to provide support. We
have a number of ways you can get in touch with us.
## E-mail
The Pidgin team can be reached via mailing lists for support and development
- []( ([List Info]( ([List Archive](
- []( ([List Info]( ([List Archive](
- We offer a few other mailing lists. [See the full list.](
## Chat
If you prefer chat-based contact, the Pidgin community has two primary chat
- ``, a Jabber/XMPP MUC (Multi-User Chat)
- `#pidgin` on `` on IRC
If you don't already have an XMPP account, you can use our free
[PidginChat XMPP Service]({{< ref "/about/pidginchat" >}}) to reach us there!
## Helping
We often get people asking how they can help. Take a look at the
[Contributing](/development/contributing) page for suggestions! There are lots of things to
do for people, and a lot of them don't even involve the source code!