
Add extra way to report security vulnerability

- Add an extra way of reporting a security vulnerability in the project. This
is done by creating a new issue in our issue tracker and ensuring that the
visibility of it is set so that only Pidgin Developers can view it.
- Fix a simple mistake in markdown link syntax in the contributing page which
links back to the Security page.
- Change hardcoded link to list of advisories to a Hugo ref link (if we ever
change the location of the advisories page this will make Hugo throw an error
since it won't be able to find the page, otherwise the link would just end up
being broken without us necessarily knowing about it.

Testing Done:
Ran `` and verified content looks as intended.

Reviewed at
# Pidgin Nest
The place we like to call home.
This repository contains the source for the site.
## Dependencies
This project uses [hugo](, get it
## Developing Docs
To start development server run:
`hugo server -s hugo -D --disableFastRender -v --verboseLog --noHTTPCache --i18n-warnings`
- `--disableFastRender` Disabling fast render is needed because hugo starts to
ignore new content in the data dir
- `-v --verboseLog` Better logging and debugging experience
- `--noHTTPCache` To prevent caching issues
If you want to have your development server accessible from other computers or
devices on your network, you'll want to add some additional arguments to the
hugo command line:
`hugo server -s hugo -D --disableFastRender -v --verboseLog --noHTTPCache --i18n-warnings --bind= --baseURL=`
The additional arguments assume that your workstation's local IP address is
- `--bind=` instructs hugo to bind to the specified IP address.
- `--baseURL=` sets the base URL to allow connections
from other devices to work with proper URL's.
## Docker
1. `docker build -t pidgin/nest:latest .`
2. `docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 pidgin/nest:latest`
## Formatting
These are some regexes to quickly format templating
| regex | replace |
| -------------------- | -------- |
| `\{\{(\w|\.|\$|\()` | `{{ $1` |
| `\{\{-(\w|\.|$)` | `{{- $1` |
| `("|\w|\.|\))(-)?}}` | `$1 }}` |
## Hugo config
To disable **Copy Code to Clipboard** the `disableInlineCopyToClipBoard` switch
can be used either in **config** `[params]` **or** in the front matter of the
individual page.
## Tools
- **Visual Regression**
1. [Run dev server](#Developing-Docs)
1. To run the visual diff tool call `node tools/visual-diff.js` or
`npm run regression`
## Alert Notification
Notifications are configured in `hugo/config.toml`:
notificationMessage = "Great News Everyone!"
notificationCode = "nest-launch"
- `notificationMessage` is the message and is fully HTML
- `notificationCode` is used as the key to remember if the notification has been cleared
If either of these are unset, the template will not render.
The notification template is rendered `display: none` in the
`hugo/layouts/partials/custom-footer.html`, and then hoisted to the top of the
page if the cookie is not equal to the code.