
Update plugins.json

23 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Update plugins.json

This fixes a bunch of broken home pages, marks some as broken, and also adds
vcs information.

Testing Done:
Ran `npm run hugo:server` and verified the plugins page still worked as expected.

Reviewed at
title: Install
date: 2019-01-16T20:14:59.000Z
lastmod: 2020-01-14T05:00:21.000Z
weight: 10
- download/
- download/windows/
- download/linux/
- download/mac/
- download/source/
<!-- Never pipe curl sudo bash -->
## Pidgin
### Windows
{{% sourceforge-download-logo ".exe" %}}
This version of Pidgin downloads an appropriate version of GTK. GTK is now
installed locally for Pidgin, and not system-wide, thus Pidgin will not
interfere with other GTK apps on your system.
If you would like to have GTK included in the installer, we have an [offline
installer]({{% sourceforge-download "-offline.exe" %}})
that bundles everything except spell-checking dictionaries.
If you're looking for a portable version that doesn't need installation, [we
also have that available]({{% sourceforge-download "" %}}).
### Linux
We do not provide pre-built packages for Linux and Unix distributions. We
recommend installing Pidgin using your operating system's standard package
management tool.
If your operating system doesn't provide a pre-built package, or if their
pre-built package is out of date and you want to upgrade, then you can try
[building from source]({{< ref "development/building" >}}).
#### Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install pidgin
### FreeBSD
pkg install pidgin
### macOS
For a native macOS experience we recommend [Adium](, which
uses libpurple (the core of Pidgin) for much of its protocol support.
If you're sure you want to use Pidgin on macOS, you may find the packages
provided through [Homebrew](,
[Fink]( or
[Macports]( more convenient than compiling
from source. Please note, *we do not provide support for issues related to
installing Homebrew, pkgin, Fink, Macports, or their packages of Pidgin*. Contact those
projects directly with questions or concerns.
If you're sure you want to use Pidgin on macOS and you don't want to use
Homebrew, Fink or Macports, you can [download the Pidgin
source](#source) and compile.
### Source
{{% sourceforge-download-logo ".tar.bz2" %}}
This download is for the source code of Pidgin {{< current-version >}}.
If you want to **use** Pidgin, you should either download and use our Windows
installer or look for pre-built packages from your operating system
If you are looking to **modify** Pidgin, you may want to look at our
[instructions for contributing code from our
repository]({{< ref "development/contributing" >}}).
### Older versions
If you need binaries for older versions of Pidgin, visit our [package repository
main page]( That is also
where you can find the checksums for each file and their corresponding gpg
## Finch
Finch is a text-based IM client written in C which uses the ncurses toolkit.
### Linux
We do not provide pre-built packages for Linux and Unix distributions. We
recommend installing Pidgin using your operating system's standard package
management tool.
If your operating system doesn't provide a pre-built package, or if their
pre-built package is out of date and you want to upgrade, then you can try
[building from source]({{< ref "development/building" >}}).
#### Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install finch
### FreeBSD
pkg install finch