
Add shortcodes for issues/reviews on nest

2021-04-09, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Add shortcodes for issues/reviews on nest

* Use xep shortcode in GSoC ideas page.
* Add an issue shortcode, linking to
* Add review shortcode, linking to

Testing Done:
Build site and click on links on edited pages.

Reviewed at
title: cve-2010-0423-00
date: 2010-02-18T00:00:00.000Z
cveNumber: cve-2010-0423
summary: Smiley denial of service
discoveredBy: Antti Hayrynen
fixedInRelease: 2.6.6
type: security
layout: cve
hidden: true
### Description
oCERT notified us about a problem in Pidgin, where a large amount of processing
time will be used when inserting many smileys into an IM or chat window. This
should not cause a crash, but Pidgin can become unusably slow.
### Mitigation
A limit was added for the maximum number of smileys allowed in a conversation.