
Remove extra padding around code blocks.

2019-08-21, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Remove extra padding around code blocks.

This causes an annoying resize of the block when the copy button is
added, but the padding isn't really needed anyway.
# Pidgin Nest
The place we like call home.
## Table of contents
- [Community](
- [Contributing](
- [Design Guidelines](
- [Development FAQ](
- [Release Process](
## Dependencies
This project uses [hugo](, get it
## Developing Docs
To start development server run:
`hugo server -s hugo -D --disableFastRender -v --verboseLog --noHTTPCache --i18n-warnings`
- `--disableFastRender` Disabling fast render is needed because hugo starts to
ignore new content in the data dir
- `-v --verboseLog` Better logging and debugging experience
- `--noHTTPCache` To prevent caching issues
## Docker
1. `docker build -t pidgin/nest:latest .`
2. `docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 pidgin/nest:latest`
### Formatting
These are some regex's to quickly format templating
| regex | replace |
| -------------------- | -------- |
| `\{\{(\w|\.|\$|\()` | `{{ $1` |
| `\{\{-(\w|\.|$)` | `{{- $1` |
| `("|\w|\.|\))(-)?}}` | `$1 }}` |
## Hugo config
To disable **Copy Code to Clipboard** the `disableInlineCopyToClipBoard` switch
can be used either in **config** `[params]` **or** in the front matter of the
individual page
## Tools
- **Visual Regression**
1. [Run dev server](#Developing-Docs)
1. To run the visual diff tool call `node tools/visual-diff.js` or
`npm run regression`