
Make asset busting depend on deployment environment

At the moment CSS and JS resources have a cache busting tag at the end of their href/src to force a reload when re-rendered. This is deependant on an unused setting, and is present in prod as well, this is really only a feature for development. So, it's been a PITA when diffing outputs

Testing Done:
I've run the `hugo` and `hugo serve` commands with deployment env between prod and dev, and behaviour is as expected

Reviewed at
{{- if .IsNamedParams -}}
{{- $scheme := or (.Get "scheme") "https" -}}
{{- $repo := .Get "name" -}}
{{- if eq (.Get "link") "1" -}}<a href="{{print $scheme "://" (index .Site.Data.repos $repo) }}">{{- end -}}
{{- if eq (.Get "short") "1" -}}{{- .Get "name" -}}{{- else -}}{{- index .Site.Data.repos $repo -}}{{- end -}}
{{- if eq (.Get "link") "1" -}}</a>{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- index .Site.Data.repos (.Get 0) -}}
{{- end -}}