
Make asset busting depend on deployment environment

At the moment CSS and JS resources have a cache busting tag at the end of their href/src to force a reload when re-rendered. This is deependant on an unused setting, and is present in prod as well, this is really only a feature for development. So, it's been a PITA when diffing outputs

Testing Done:
I've run the `hugo` and `hugo serve` commands with deployment env between prod and dev, and behaviour is as expected

Reviewed at
"year": 2006,
"participants": [
"project": "Curses-based Gaim using libgaim",
"student": "Sadrul Habib Chowdhury",
"mentor": "Evan Schoenberg",
"status": "Merged"
"project": "MSN protocol update",
"student": "Ma Yuan",
"mentor": "Sean Egan",
"status": "Merged"
"project": "Contact Availability Prediction",
"student": "Geoffrey Foster",
"mentor": "Mark Doliner",
"status": "Merged"
"project": "Improving Gaim’s Logging Capabilities",
"student": "Brian Chu",
"mentor": "Richard Laager",
"status": "Merged"
"project": "QQ Support for Gaim/Adium",
"student": "Mark Huetsch",
"mentor": "Timothy Thomas Ringenbach",
"status": "Merged"
"project": "Performance enhancement",
"student": "Aaron Sheldon",
"mentor": "Ethan Blanton",
"status": "Merged"