
Update "Mac OSX" references to "macOS"

Apple no longer calls their OS "Mac OSX" instead over the final releases of OSX they switched over to "macOS 10", followed by "macOS 11" and so on. With this change, we will start using macOS to refer to Apple's operating system.

Testing Done:
Ran `` and verified content looked as intended.

Reviewed at
{{ partial "header.html" . }}
<span id="sidebar-toggle-span">
<a href="#" id="sidebar-toggle" data-sidebar-toggle="">
<i class="fas fa-bars"></i> navigation
{{ if .Site.Home.Content }}
{{ .Site.Home.Content }}
{{ else }}
{{ if eq .Site.Language.Lang "fr" }}
<h1>Personaliser la page d'accueil</h1>
Le site fonctionne. Ne pas oublier de personaliser cette page avec votre propre contenu. 3 manières de faire :
<li><b>1. </b> Créer un fichier dans le dossier <b>content</b> et le remplir de Markdown</li>
<li><b>2. </b> Créer un fichier index.html dans le dossier <b>static</b> et le remplir de code HTML</li>
<li><b>3. </b> Configurer le serveur http pour rediriger automatiquement la homepage vers la page de votre choix dans le site</li>
{{ else }}
<h1>Customize your own home page</h1>
The site is working. Don't forget to customize this homepage with your own. You typically have 3 choices :
<li><b>1. </b> Create an document in <b>content</b> folder and fill it with Markdown content</li>
<li><b>2. </b> Create an <b>index.html</b> file in the <b>static</b> folder and fill the file with HTML content</li>
<li><b>3. </b> Configure your server to automatically redirect home page to one your documentation page</li>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "footline.html" . }}
{{ partial "footer.html" . }}