
With the date correction stuff live, it broke the link to the nest launch blog post

Testing Done:
Built and ran the container locally to verify.

Reviewed at
title: Using Mercurial
date: 2019-02-01T05:09:48.000Z
anchor: contributing
lastmod: 2019-08-29T20:33:38.000Z
### Configure Mercurial
Mercurial is configured through several rc files. You can override the
system-wide settings on a per-user or per-repository basis by changing either
`~/.hgrc` or `<repository>/.hg/hgrc`. See `man hgrc` for details.
You must set your username when working with Mercurial repositories. To do
that, add two lines to `~/.hgrc` (or optionally `<repository>/.hg/hgrc`, if you
want to use a different username for other Mercurial repositories):
username = First Last <email@address.tld>
Other useful options that can be set in the `[ui]` section of an `hgrc` are the
merge tool and to make Mercurial verbose or not:
username = First Last <email@address.tld>
verbose = True
merge = meld
Git diffs can be useful too, and making `hg log -v` the default behavior for `hg
log` can be helpful:
git = True
log = -v
### Clone the Repository and Select a Branch
To start working with Pidgin from Mercurial, you'll probably want to clone our
main repository:
hg clone https://{{< repo pidgin >}} pidgin
This will give you a `pidgin` directory with the 3.0.0 development code by
default. If you want to develop against Pidgin 3.0.0, you're all set!
Naturally, Pidgin has a number of branches within its repository, and these
branches handle various projects including our maintenance of Pidgin 2.x.y. We
won't go into all the branches here, as there are a lot of them, but we know
some people would like to work against Pidgin 2.x.y instead of 3.0.0. In order
to do that, clone the repository as above, but then do this:
cd pidgin
hg up release-2.x.y
You now have a Pidgin 2 tree to work with. Happy hacking!