
Move list of available translations to its own page under About

Moving the list of available translations away from the homepage and into it's own page under the About section makes the homepage cleaner. We still have a paragraph in the homepage where we mention that pidgin has a variety of translations and link to the corresponding new page.

Testing Done:
Ran `` and verified the contents looked the way they are expected to

Reviewed at
"year": 2012,
"participants": [
"project": "libpurple on Android",
"student": "Michael Zangl",
"mentor": "Mark Doliner",
"status": "Cleaning up"
"project": "Pidgin Plugin Website",
"student": "Nikhil Bafna",
"mentor": "Kevin Stange",
"status": "Never Started"
"project": "Usage Statistic Collection",
"student": "​Sanket Agarwal",
"mentor": "Eion Robb",
"status": "​, finished but not merged"
"project": "​Gadu-Gadu protocol plugin improvements",
"student": "Tomasz Wasilczyk",
"mentor": "Ethan Blanton",
"status": "Merged"