
plugins: Add more plugins

2020-01-25, Konrad Gräfe
plugins: Add more plugins
title: Other Protocols
date: 2019-08-08T04:03:25.000Z
replaces: []
weight: 90
lastmod: 2019-08-22T03:32:30.000Z
### Pidgin used to support MXit, Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, and ICQ. What gives?
MXit and AIM no longer exist. MXit as a company no longer exists and their
website is gone. AOL terminated AIM in December 2017.
Yahoo! Messenger and ICQ changed protocols and Pidgin doesn't have the developer
resources to support these protocols ourselves. See the [Plugins](/plugins/)
page for community-maintained plugins for these and other services.
### What happened to Facebook Chat support?
Facebook terminated their XMPP support in April 2014. An alternative Facebook
Messenger plugin was developed as a
[Google Summer of Code](/gsoc/#previous-years) project. That plugin is
currently in the Pidgin 3 source tree and has been backported to Pidgin 2. The
backport can be found either
[here]( or on the
[Plugins](/plugins/) page, but it is _not_ maintained by Pidgin's developers.
### Why doesn't Pidgin support CyanChat, Microsoft LCS/Skype for Business, Skype, NateOn, NetSoul, etc.?
It is an incredible amount of work to implement and maintain support for a
protocol. Pidgin's developers are volunteers who work on Pidgin in their spare
time. As spare time is a limited resource, Pidgin's developers can maintain
only a limited number of protocols.
That said, there are a number of people in the Pidgin community that have spent
the time to develop plugins for additional services including Skype, Microsoft
LCS/Skype for Business, and others. A list of known community-maintained
plugins is available on the [Plugins](/plugins/) page.
If you are willing and able to implement and maintain a plugin for a protocol
that you use, we welcome and encourage you to do so! The beauty of Pidgin and
libpurple is its plugin system, allowing anyone to enhance and extend Pidgin.