
Update the website for the 2.14.6 release

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title: Contributing
date: 2017-09-19T02:00:55.000Z
anchor: contributing
weight: 10
original: true
lastmod: 2019-08-21T04:05:48.000Z
## Ideas to contribute
Pidgin is a huge project with a ton of things to be done, even if you're not a
coder. Below is a short list of things you can do to help get involved!!
* Triage the issue tracker.
* Try to reproduce described bugs. If you can find an easy way to
reproduce, leave a comment explaining how to do it.
* Find/mark/close duplicates. Seriously, even just one or two duplicates
found and properly marked is a huge help to our backlog!
* Suggest patches be turned into pull requests, or bring patches to the
attention of the core dev team.
* Help users and participate in the community
[chatrooms]({{< ref "contact#chatrooms" >}}).
* Proofread the documentation--this is a really, really easy way to start!
* Help facilitate translators and translations
* via [transifex](
* help translate [this repo](
* Convert [legacy wiki]( pages to markdown for inclusion
in [this repo](
* Walk the links on [ThirdPartyPlugins](
and mark broken ones as such. This is another really easy way to start!
* Participate in discussion on IRC, XMPP, and/or the Mailing Lists.
For the coders out there:
* Find/fix build warnings.
* Find/fix bugs on your own or via the issue tracker.
* Participate in design discussions.
* Add cool features!
## How to contribute code
We acknowledge that Pidgin leverages tools that a lot of developers may not be
familiar with so we created documentation that helps you getting started and at
the same time explains how our contribution process works.
1. Checkout the [version control page]({{< ref version-control >}}). Pay special
attention to the branches which host the Pidgin 3 codebase vs the Pidgin 2
2. [Using Pidgin mercurial](
3. [Pidgin code contribution process]({{< param "contributeGuideURL" >}})
If you have any questions about this process, remember that you have a variety
of [methods to reach out to us]({{< ref contact >}}).