
Update to hugo-theme-learn 2.5.0

19 months ago, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Update to hugo-theme-learn 2.5.0

The latest version improves compatibility with latest Hugo and adds several enhancements. This enables us to drop most of our vendored copies of the theme files.

* Mermaid is now a theme option, so we don't need to overlay a copy of the partial with it removed.
* Custom CSS has a theme option to load it, so we don't need to add it to `custom-header.html`.
* It now uses the [recommended colour style variant customization]( instead of copying the theme's CSS. Most of the sidebar seemed unchanged from the default, but I copied them anyway to prevent them changing.
* Dropping the copy of the theme CSS means moving our customized fixed-max-width style on the body to the custom CSS.
* I moved the footer into `custom-footer.html` so that most partials would not need to be copied; this does mean it's no longer a bubble that's the width of the content, but I always found that weird anyway. Some new CSS is necessary to make it centred properly.
* I found many of the partials and the JavaScript were functionally the same as the original theme's copy, so I removed them.

Testing Done:
Opened up a few pages and saw things were roughly equivalent, except the footer as noted above.

The only regression I believe is that the ToC is no longer automatically added on 'long' pages. However, it's still there on hover of the ToC icon.

Reviewed at
baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Pidgin, the universal chat client"
dataDir = "data"
# the following is the theme that we use, it gets automatically placed
# in the themes directory
path = ""
currentVersion = "2.14.10"
# Disable arrows
disableNextPrev = true
editURL = ""
disableShortcutsTitle = true
disableMermaid = true
custom_css = ["css/custom.css"]
themeVariant = "pidgin"
contributeGuideURL = ""
pidginIssuesURL = ""
# These enable Open Graph and Twitter cards
description = "Pidgin is a universal chat client, allowing you to consolidate all your different messaging apps into a single tool."
images = ["/images/pidgin-circle-256.png"]
# These manage the notification banner. When finished, please comment them out
# The code is used in the cookie to prevent showing the alert once closed
#notificationMessage = "We've launched the new site. Think we're missing something?<br /><a href=\"/posts/2019-12-nest-launch/\">Read the blog post</a> or <a href=\"\">Go to the old site</a>"
#notificationCode = "nest-launch"
notificationMessage = "Looking to reach us via XMPP? Check out the new <a href='/about/pidginchat'>PidginChat</a> service!"
notificationCode = "pidgin-chat-announcement"
home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
post = "posts/:year-:month-:title/"
languageName = "English (US)"
languageName = "Spanish"
# Used by Open Graph
series = "series"
# Shortcuts
name = "<i class='fas fa-fw fa-tasks'></i> Issue Tracker"
identifier = "issue-tracker"
url = ""
weight = -900
name = "<i class='fas fa-fw fa-code'></i> Repositories"
identifier = "sourcecode"
url = ""
weight = -800
name = "<i class='fas fa-fw fa-tshirt'></i> Merchandise"
identifier = "merchandise"
url = ""
weight = 1000
getenv = ['^HUGO_', '^BUILD_', '^COMMIT$']