
Remove last modification author from footer

Right now it says Anon for all pages and even if we were to automate that from the repository commits it's not really useful to see who modified a page and their email

Testing Done:
Ran `` and verified the modifications to the footer rendered correctly.

Reviewed at
{{ range sort .Site.Data.gsoc "year" "desc" }}
<h3 id="gsoc-{{ .year }}">{{ .year }}</h3>
<th>{{ T "Project" }}</th>
<th>{{ T "Student" }}</th>
<th>{{ T "Mentor" }}</th>
<th>{{ T "Status" }}</th>
{{ range .participants }}
<td>{{ .project }}</td>
<td>{{ .student }}</td>
<td>{{ .mentor }}</td>
<td>{{ .status | markdownify }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}