
Add an announcement for the 2022 Q4 State of the Bird

Testing Done:
Ran `npm run hugo:server` and verified everything looked arlight.

Reviewed at
other = "Download"
other = "Donate"
other = "Our Supporters"
other = "Project"
other = "Student"
other = "Mentor"
other = "Status"
other = "Name"
other = "Type"
other = "Info"
other = "Maintainer"
other = "Repo"
other = "Trusted"
other = "What makes an author trusted you ask? Basically they've been working with us for a long time and they put out some great software!"
other = "Community"
other = "Created by the pidgin community"
other = "Modified"
other = "License"
other = "Content"
other = "Theme"
other = "An ineffable file, immune to a past"