
[Minor] Content Jiggle

2019-12-29, Jason
[Minor] Content Jiggle

Rearrange content to be easier to navigate and less noisy on the menu bar

I think it's important to arrange the site to be optimised for non -technical end-users. So development oriented content needs to be contained to its own section. While end-user oriented content is accesible at first glance

I've moved content arround, merged some section, renamed some sections and reweighted.
# theme.toml template for a Hugo theme
# See for an example
name = "Learn"
license = "MIT"
licenselink = ""
description = "Documentation theme for Hugo, based on Grav Learn theme"
homepage = ""
repo = ""
tags = ["documentation", "grav", "learn", "doc", "search"]
features = ["documentation", "menu", "nested sections", "search", "mermaid"]
min_version = 0.25
name = "Mathieu Cornic"
homepage = ""
name = "Grav Learn"
homepage = ""
repo = ""