
[Minor] Content Jiggle

2019-12-29, Jason
[Minor] Content Jiggle

Rearrange content to be easier to navigate and less noisy on the menu bar

I think it's important to arrange the site to be optimised for non -technical end-users. So development oriented content needs to be contained to its own section. While end-user oriented content is accesible at first glance

I've moved content arround, merged some section, renamed some sections and reweighted.
"year": 2005,
"participants": [
"project": "Implement UPnP NAT Traversal",
"student": "Adam Warrington",
"mentor": "Sean Egan",
"status": "Merged"
"project": "Gadu-Gadu Support",
"student": "Bartosz Oler",
"mentor": "Ethan Blanton",
"status": "Merged"
"project": "Music Messaging",
"student": "Christian Muise",
"mentor": "Gary Kramlich",
"status": "Merged"
"project": "OSCAR File Transfers",
"student": "Jonathan Clark",
"mentor": "Mark Doliner",
"status": "Merged"
"project": "Rendezvous Plugin",
"student": "Juanjo Molinero Horno",
"mentor": "Mark Doliner",
"status": "Merged"
"project": "D-Busified gaim-remote",
"student": "Piotr Zielinski",
"mentor": "Sean Egan",
"status": "Merged"
"project": "SIP/SIMPLE/STUN support",
"student": "Thomas Butter",
"mentor": "Ethan Blanton",
"status": "Merged"