
The long-overdue blog post we owe DigitalOcean as part of their sponsorship.

Testing Done:
Ran server locally and verified page appears as I expected.

Reviewed at
<footer id="footline">
<div class="footline-block">
{{ with $.Lastmod }}
Modified {{ .Format "2006-01-02" }}
{{ else }}
{{ T "Last-Modified-Not-Found" }}
{{ end }}
<div class="footline-block footline-old-site-info">
{{ if .Params.replaces }}
This page was migrated from the old sites. This is what it replaces:
{{ partial "replaces-list.html" . }}
{{ else }}
To see content from the old wiki visit a
<a href="" rel="nofollow">
{{ end }}
{{ with .Site.Menus.shortcuts }}
<ul class="footline-block footline-columns">
{{ range sort . "Weight" }}
{{ .Pre }}
<a {{ printf "href=%q" .URL | safeHTMLAttr }}>{{ safeHTML .Name }}</a>
{{ .Post }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="footline-block">
{{ partial "supporters.html" . }}
<ul class="footline-block footline-columns copyright-text">
&copy; Pidgin
{{ T "Content" }} - GPL3
<a href="">{{ T "Theme" }}</a> - MIT