
Add all remaining cve advisories from 2016 except for cve-2016-2379
since it doesn't have summary, description, contributor, etc

Testing Done:
Built locally with `` and verified contents of advisories added

Bugs closed: NEST-43

Reviewed at
<section class="supporters">
<b>{{ T "Our-Supporters" }}</b>
{{ range .Site.Data.supporters }}
{{ $url := urls.Parse .badge }}
{{ $style := "" }}
{{ if .style }}
{{ $style = printf "style=\"%s\"" .style }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $url.Scheme }}{{/* Absolute path */}}
<a href="{{ .url | safeHTMLAttr }}">
<img src="{{ .badge }}" alt="{{ .name | safeHTMLAttr }}" {{ $style | safeHTMLAttr }}/>
{{ else }}
<a href="{{ .url | safeHTMLAttr }}">
<img src="/images/badges/{{ .badge }}" alt="{{ .name | safeHTMLAttr }}" {{ $style | safeHTMLAttr }}/>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}