
Ok, good part of this work of moving global variables to defined styles is
2009-08-10, Arnold Noronha
Ok, good part of this work of moving global variables to defined styles is
done. Now, I still get a crash while changing the variant.
/** @page connection-signals Connection Signals
@signal signing-on
@signal signed-on
@signal signing-off
@signal signed-off
@signal connection-error
@see connection.h
@signaldef signing-on
void (*signing_on)(PurpleConnection *gc);
Emitted when a connection is about to sign on.
@param gc The connection that is about to sign on.
@signaldef signed-on
void (*signed_on)(PurpleConnection *gc);
Emitted when a connection has signed on.
@param gc The connection that has signed on.
@signaldef signing-off
void (*signing_off)(PurpleConnection *gc);
Emitted when a connection is about to sign off.
@param gc The connection that is about to sign off.
@signaldef signed-off
void (*signed_off)(PurpleConnection *gc);
Emitted when a connection has signed off.
@param gc The connection that has signed off.
@signaldef connection-error
void (*connection_error)(PurpleConnection *gc, PurpleConnectionError err, const gchar *desc)
Emitted when a connection error occurs, before @ref signed-off.
@param gc The connection on which the error has occurred
@param err The error that occurred
@param desc A description of the error, giving more information.
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