
Add debian packaging
2020-07-21, Gary Kramlich
Add debian packaging

We need to get libgnt in debian, so I took a first pass at it here to give rlaager something to start from.

Testing Done:
Installed the built packages in a debian bullseye container.

Reviewed at
shadow = 0
black = 0; 0; 0
red = 1000; 0; 0
green = 0; 1000; 0
blue = 250; 250; 700
white = 1000; 1000; 1000
gray = 700; 700; 700
darkgray = 256; 256; 256
normal = black; white
highlight = white; blue
highlightd = black; gray
shadow = black; darkgray
title = white; blue
titled = white; gray
text = white; blue
disabled = gray; white