
Improves on **Copy Code to Clipboard** tool

* Code snippets in headers no longer have a copy button attached
* Stylying
* Inline snippets are purple to match theme
* Heading snippets are a lighter purple
* Code
* Uses a variable instead of hiding the clipboard buttons with styling
* Simplify code execution
* Add **copy to** config to readme
# theme.toml template for a Hugo theme
# See https://github.com/spf13/hugoThemes#themetoml for an example
name = "Learn"
license = "MIT"
licenselink = "https://github.com/matcornic/hugo-theme-learn/blob/master/LICENSE.md"
description = "Documentation theme for Hugo, based on Grav Learn theme"
homepage = "https://github.com/matcornic/hugo-theme-learn/"
repo = "https://github.com/matcornic/hugo-theme-learn"
tags = ["documentation", "grav", "learn", "doc", "search"]
features = ["documentation", "menu", "nested sections", "search", "mermaid"]
min_version = 0.25
name = "Mathieu Cornic"
homepage = "https://matcornic.github.io/"
name = "Grav Learn"
homepage = "https://learn.getgrav.org/"
repo = "https://github.com/getgrav/grav-learn"