
Downstreaming changes for theme
2019-11-30, Jason
Downstreaming changes for theme

This commit brings down changes from the upstream for the theme.

This includes:
* the i18n
* taxonomy suport
* reverting some file deletion I naively deleted
* adding theme changelog
* updateing CSS and JS libraries
* plus some whitspace removal


It also has formatting for all templates making sure there is a space on templating brackets -
`{{ stuff }}` not `{{stuff}}`
"version": "0.1",
"language": "en",
"words": [],
"dictionaryDefinitions": [
"name": "Pidgin",
"path": "./tools/pidgin-words.txt"
"dictionaries": [
"flagWords": [],
"ignorePaths": [
"overrides": [
"filename": "hugo/content/**/*.es.md",
"language": "es"
"enabledLanguageIds": [