
Adds tracking tool, missed in #a7af424b56ba
title: "Contributing"
date: 2019-01-11T04:05:09+00:00
anchor: "contributing"
weight: 10
Pidgin is a huge project with a ton of things to be done, even if you're not a coder. Below is a short list of things you can do to help get involved!!
* triage the issue tracker
* try to reproduce described bugs
* find/mark/close duplicates
* suggest patches be turned into pull requests, or bring patches to the attention of the core dev team.
* helper users
* irc: #pidgin on freenode
* xmpp: devel@conference.pidgin.im
* mailing lists
* support@pidgin.im
* devel@pidgin.im
* proofread the documentation
* help facilitate translators
* via [transifex](https://www.transifex.com/pidgin/pidgin/)
* help translate this repo
* other suggestions?
* convert wiki pages to markdown for inclusion in this repo.
* walk the link on [ThirdPartyPlugins](https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/ThirdPartyPlugins) and mark broken ones as such.
* participate in discussion in irc, xmpp, mailing lists.
For the coders out there
* Find/fix build warnings
* Find/fix bugs on your own or via the issue tracker
* Participate in design discussions
* Add cool features!