
Fix some stuff I broke in the plugintable shortcode
* For each content page:
* * reads last change date form mercurial
* * writes last edited date to front matter
* Imports
const fs = require('fs').promises
const path = require('path')
const { spawn } = require('child_process')
const front = require('front-matter')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
* Set Up
const mdRegex = /\.md$/
const hgLogArgs = ['log', '--follow', '--pager', 'never', '--color', 'never']
const yamlDumpSettings = { indent: 2 }
* Execution
getMdPaths(path.join(__dirname, '../hugo/content/')).then(paths =>
paths.map(async function (file) {
const [commits, { attributes, body }] = await Promise.all([
const lastmod = commits[0].date
const date = commits[commits.length - 1].date
const newFrontString = yaml
.dump({ ...attributes, lastmod, date }, yamlDumpSettings)
const output = `---\n${newFrontString}\n---\n\n${body}`
await fs.writeFile(file, output)
console.log(`Updated: ${file}`)
* Mercurial
* Get an ordered array commits for a file
* @param {string} file the file path
function getCommits(file) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const log = spawn('hg', [...hgLogArgs, file])
const commits = []
log.stdout.on('data', data => {
log.on('close', code => {
if (code !== 0) {
return reject(
new Error(`Unexpected return code from hg log ${code}`)
resolve(commits.sort((a, b) => a.date - b.date).reverse())
* Converts the raw commit data from log into a a commit object
* @param {string} commitString raw commit from hg output
function parseCommit(commitString) {
const commit = {}
.forEach(line => {
const [, key, value] = /(\w+):\s+(.+)/.exec(line)
switch (key) {
case 'parent':
case 'bookmark':
if (!commit[key]) {
commit[key] = []
case 'date':
commit[key] = new Date(value)
commit[key] = value
return commit
* Filters out commits that contain an automation flag
* @param {commit}
const filterCommits = ({ summary }) =>
* Helpers
* reads and parses a markdown file for frontmatter
* @param {string} file path to markdown file
async function getFrontMatter(file) {
return fs.readFile(file, 'utf8').then(contents => front(contents))
* creates a list of all markdown files in a directory
* @param {string} directory directory to search for markdown files
async function getMdPaths(directory) {
let output = []
let items = (await fs.readdir(directory)).map(i => path.join(directory, i))
while (items.length) {
const item = items.pop()
const stat = await fs.stat(item)
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
items.push(...(await fs.readdir(item)).map(i =>
path.join(item, i)
} else if (stat.isFile() && mdRegex.test(item)) {
return output.sort()