
Sort `data/meetings.json`

2019-06-05, Jason
Sort `data/meetings.json`
title: "Minutes for the 2016-08-24 Board Meeting"
date: 2016-08-24
IM Freedom board meeting 2016-08-24 23:00 UTC using a Google Hangout.
* Preamble and call to order 2300
* Elections start 2315
*Proposed slate:
* P: Eion
* V: Matthew
* T: Ethan
* S: John
* Matthew moves to accept slate
* John seconds
* carries unanimously
* Old Business
* Registration with Delaware 2323
* Register Eion as point of contact if possible, if not, John.
* Reimbursement for Ethan 2325
* John moves to reimburse
* Eion seconds
* carries unanimously
* Eion requested to know when NRAI is due, Ethan will find out
* Richard asked about upcoming expenses, Ethan stated that he is unaware of any (unless there are minor expenses related to Delaware paperwork)
* New Business
* Gary mentioned IM mini conference organized by Eion and Peter Lawler
* Eion submitted a proposal to and is awaiting information about the approval from the organizers of linuxconf. There may be funding options available for travel if the mini-conference is approved.
* We will address anything related to this as it comes up, if IMF can be involved in some way.
* Ethan brought up rules and bylaws for IMF and will send around some information.
* Richard asked if we need to update the address in our bylaws.
* John will follow up with Sean and the SFLC to find out what needs to happen here.
* Richard asked about the domain registrations and whether we need to update their contact information, Gary added that the DNS records for these domains are stale and need to be updated.
* Gary will follow up on this.
* Gary asked about getting a logo for IMF.
* Ethan mentioned that letterhead would help things on the business side from time to time.
* Gary also pointed out T-shirts.
* Ethan suggested tabling this for an email discussion that Gary will start.
* Gary asked about a Pidgin meetup and whether IMF might get involved, Eion suggested that if IMF gets involved we might make it a broader meetup.
* Ethan summarized closing the meeting and next steps at 2355
* John made motion to adjourn at 2400
* Richard seconds
* motion carries, meeting adjourned