
Update everything for Discourse

17 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Update everything for Discourse

This includes saying that we shutdown the mailing lists which we haven't
actually done yet, but I don't want to have to come back and make another commit
when we do.

Testing Done:
Ran locally via `npm run hugo:server`

Reviewed at
{ "title": "President", "name": "John Bailey Jr" },
{ "title": "Vice President", "name": "Matthew Needham" },
{ "title": "Secretary", "name": "Gary Kramlich" },
{ "title": "Treasurer", "name": "John Bailey Jr"},
{ "title": "Director", "name": "Colin Barrett" },
{ "title": "Director", "name": "Ethan Blanton" },
{ "title": "Director", "name": "Richard Laager" },
{ "title": "Director", "name": "Peter Lawler" },
{ "title": "Director", "name": "Eion Robb" }