
Mark John as the treasurer, Move Ethan to a director, alphabetize the rest of the list
* Creates meetings data for hugo to consume
* From:
* * data/meetings.json
* * hugo/content/mintues/*
* * hugo/content/transcripts/*
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const meetingsData = require('../data/meetings.json')
const hugoDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'hugo')
* Looks for pages in hugo content and if it exist sets a flag that it exsists
* @param {string} type
function searchAndAddMeetingsPages(type) {
const dir = path.join(hugoDir, 'content', type)
fs.readdirSync(dir).map(file => {
const key = file.replace(/\.md$/, '')
if (!meetingsData[key]) {
meetingsData[key] = {}
meetingsData[key][type] = true
// Create an ordered array for hugo to read
const d = Object.entries(meetingsData)
.sort(([a], [b]) => b.localeCompare(a))
.map(([key, { ...v }]) => ({ key, ...v }))
// Write data into hugo data dir
const targetPath = path.join(hugoDir, 'data', 'meetings.json')
fs.writeFileSync(targetPath, JSON.stringify(d, null, '\t'))