
The build agents don't have convey 0.15 yet..
# Xfire
xfire IM server =
port = 25999
## Open Connection
open connection to
send OC1 to
send Packet 18 to sends AFA
send AUTH1 to sends ASUC
send CONF
## Information
SID = 16 bytes long
salt = 40 byte SHA1 thing
userid = 4 bytes long
## Password
When we have a password null and username null we receive this hash in the config:
this hash comes from this:
the hash in the config is this:
sha1(username password UltimateArena)
we send the password with this:
sha1(sha1(username password UltimateArena) salt)
## Packets
Every packet has a packet header. Its constructed in the following way.
X1 X2 YY 00 ZZ
X1, X2 = packet length = X1 + X2*256
YY = packet ID
00 = unknown, perhaps the same thing as packet length for packet ID
ZZ = number of attributes that are in that packet.
## Authentification(Client side)
### Open Connection
#### Description
This Packet opens the connection to the server.
#### Content
It only contains a String:
#### Example
00000000 55 41 30 31 UA01
### Packet 18
#### Description
We send Basic information about our client.
#### Content
The packet contains:
1. the skins we use
1. the version of each skin
1. the protocol version
packet_length 00 type(18) 00 numberOfAtts //skins and versions of skins are 1
attribute_length 'skin' 04 01 numberOfSkins 00 lengthOfNextSkin 00 nameOfSkin LengthOfNextSkin 00 nameOfSkin (..andSoOn..)
attribute_length 'version' 04 02 numberOfSkins 00 (forEachSkin){ 01 00 00 00 } 12 00 03 00 01
attribute_length 'version' 02 versionNumber 00 00 00
#### Example
00000004 33 00 12 00 02 04 73 6b 69 6e 04 01 02 00 08 00 in......
00000014 53 74 61 6e 64 61 72 64 05 00 58 66 69 72 65 07 Standard ..Xfire.
00000024 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 04 02 02 00 01 00 00 00 01 version. ........
00000034 00 00 00 12 00 03 00 01 07 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e ........ .version
00000044 02 19 00 00 00
### Packet 1
#### Description
We send our username and password, which is encrypted, to the server
#### Content
The packet contains:
1. the username
1. the crypted password
Password = sha1(sha1(username + password + "UltimateArena") + salt)
packet_length 00 type(01) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'name' usernameLength_length usernameLength 00 username
attribute_length 'password' passwdLength_length passwdLength 00 cryptedPassword
#### Example
00000049 49 00 01 00 02 04 6e 61 6d 65 01 08 00 61 73 72 me...asr
00000059 61 6e 69 65 6c 08 70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 01 28 ssword.(
00000069 00 38 30 30 31 34 31 65 36 35 30 31 36 32 30 66 .800141e 6501620f
00000079 61 39 30 34 65 31 61 66 62 66 61 36 31 66 30 63 a904e1af bfa61f0c
00000089 34 65 31 33 35 38 64 66 65 4e1358df e
### Packet 4
#### Description
Join a game
#### Content
The packet contains:
packet_length 00 type(4) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'gameid' 02 gameid
#### Example
00000443 11 00 04 00 01 06 67 61 6d 65 69 64 02 00 00 00 meid....
00000453 00 .
### Packet 6
#### Description
Invite a buddy
#### Content
The packet contains:
packet_length 00 type(6) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'name' number_of_names name_length 00 name
attribute_length 'msg' number_of_msgs msg_length 00 msg
#### Example
0000020A 33 00 06 00 02 04 6e 61 6d 65 01 06 00 6b 65 61 me...kea
0000021A 6d 6f 73 03 6d 73 67 01 19 00 43 75 73 74 6f 6d mos.msg. ..Custom
0000022A 20 69 6e 76 69 74 61 74 69 6f 6e 20 6d 65 73 73 invitat ion mess
0000023A 61 67 65 age
### Packet 7
#### Description
Accept invitation
#### Content
The packet contains:
packet_length 00 packet_type(07) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'name' 01 name_length 00 name
#### Example
00000000 15 00 07 00 01 04 6e 61 6d 65 01 08 00 61 73 72 me...asr
00000010 61 6e 69 65 6c aniel
### Packet 9
#### Description
Remove this buddy
#### Content
The packet contains:
1. the userid to be removed
packet_length 00 type(09) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'userid' 02 userid
#### Example
000001CB 11 00 09 00 01 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 02 ab 3c 02 erid..<.
000001DB 00 .
### Packet 11
#### Description
Set status
#### Content
The packet contains:
(nextSegmentLength 00 0b 00 numberOfAtts-1)
attribute_length 'type' 02 01 00 00 00
attribute_length 'status' 05 01
attribute_length 't' statusLength_length statusLength 00 status
(nextSegmentLength 00 0b 00 numberOfAtts 1)
attribute_length 'type' 02 00 00 00 00
#### Example
Go away
00000000 35 00 0b 00 02 04 74 79 70 65 02 01 00 00 00 06 5.....ty pe......
00000010 73 74 61 74 75 73 05 01 01 74 01 18 00 62 75 61 status.. .t...bua
00000020 68 61 68 61 2c 20 73 65 67 66 61 75 6c 74 20 68 haha, se gfault h
00000030 65 61 76 65 6e eaven
Come back online
00000035 0f 00 0b 00 02 04 74 79 70 65 02 00 00 00 00 ......ty pe.....
### Packet 12
#### Description
Aks for more information about a buddy
#### Content
The packet contains:
packet_length 00 type(12) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'name' number_of_names name_length 00 name
attribute_length 'fname' number_of_fnames fname_length 00 fname //first name
attribute_length 'lname' number_of_lnames lname_length 00 lname //last name
attribute_length 'email' number_of_emails email_length 00 email
#### Example
000001DC 2e 00 0c 00 04 04 6e 61 6d 65 01 06 00 6b 65 61 me...kea
000001EC 6d 6f 73 05 66 6e 61 6d 65 01 00 00 05 6c 6e 61 mos.fnam e....lna
000001FC 6d 65 01 00 00 05 65 6d 61 69 6c 01 00 00 me....em ail...
### Packet 14
#### Description
Alias change
#### Content
The packet contains:
packet_length 00 type(12) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'nick' nickLength_length nickLength 00 nick
#### Example
000003B2 1b 00 0e 00 01 04 6e 69 63 6b 01 0e 00 43 68 61 ck...Cha
000003C2 6e 67 69 6e 67 20 6e 69 63 6b 73 nging ni cks
### Packet 16
#### Description
We send some information about us to the server
#### Content
The packet contains:
1. language used
1. skink used
1. theme used
1. ?partner?
packet_length 00 packet_type(16) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'lang' langLength_length langLength 00 'de'
attribute_length 'skin' skinLength_length skinLength 00 SkinName
attribute_length 'theme' themeLength_length themeLength 00 theme
attribute_length 'partner' 01 00 00
#### Example
000000B5 37 00 10 00 04 04 6c 61 6e 67 01 02 00 75 73 04
000000C5 73 6b 69 6e 01 04 00 53 43 43 54 05 74 68 65 6d skin...S CCT.them
000000D5 65 01 08 00 52 75 62 79 20 52 65 64 07 70 61 72 e...Ruby Red.par
000000E5 74 6e 65 72 01 00 00 tner...
## Authentification(Serverside)
### Packet 128
#### Description
With this packet the server asks for authentification. We answer with packet
number 1
#### Content
The packet contains:
1. the skins we use
1. the version of each skin
1. the protocol version
packet_length 00 type(80) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'salt' saltLength_length saltLength 00 salt
#### Example
00000000 35 00 80 00 01 04 73 61 6c 74 01 28 00 66 62 36 lt.(.fb6
00000010 62 39 34 64 38 31 38 39 65 64 31 36 32 39 35 31 b94d8189 ed162951
00000020 32 35 34 66 34 64 32 38 39 38 30 31 34 63 66 37 254f4d28 98014cf7
00000030 66 65 65 63 64 feecd
### Packet 129
#### Description
This error tells us that we dont have a valid username and password
#### Content
This packet contains:
1. the reason for the connection refusing
packet_length 00 packet_type(129) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'reason' 02 00 00 00 00
#### Example
00000035 11 00 81 00 01 06 72 65 61 73 6f 6e ason....
00000045 00
### Packet 130
#### Description
We get this package as soon as we are logged
#### Content
This packet contains:
length_Of_packet 00 packet_type(130) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'userid' 02 userid 00
attribute_length 'sid' 03 sid(length = 16)
attribute_length 'nick' nickLength_length nickLength 00 nick(can be 00 if no nick is set)
attribute_length 'status' 02 03 00 00 00
attribute_length 'dlset' 01 00 00
attribute_length 'p2pset' 01 00 00
attribute_length 'clntset' 01 00 00
attribute_length 'minrect' 02 01 00 00 00
attribute_length 'maxrect' 02 84 03 00 00
attribute_length 'ctry' 02 83 02 00 00
attribute_length 'n1' 02 3C B2 58 D0
attribute_length 'n2' 02 3D B2 58 D0
attribute_length 'n3' 02 3E B2 58 D0
attribute_length 'pip' 02 9C A5 80 5F
attribute_length 'salt' 01 saltLength 00 salt
attribute_length 'reason' 01 reasonLength 00 reason
#### Example
00000035 43 00 82 00 05 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 02 82 9c 09 erid....
00000045 00 03 73 69 64 03 e3 f5 63 c0 8a 9c f8 1b 55 79 ..sid... c.....Uy
00000055 dd f8 d8 11 e3 14 04 6e 69 63 6b 01 00 00 06 73 .......n ick....s
00000065 74 61 74 75 73 02 03 00 00 00 05 64 6c 73 65 74 tatus... ...dlset
00000075 01 00 00
00000035 49 00 82 00 05 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 02 ab 3c 02 erid..<.
00000045 00 03 73 69 64 03 1f 31 a4 91 e2 2a 7b 19 e0 00 ..sid..1 ...*{...
00000055 4d 9e 7a 58 e8 6b 04 6e 69 63 6b 01 06 00 4b 65 M.zX.k.n ick...Ke
00000065 61 6d 6f 73 06 73 74 61 74 75 73 02 03 00 00 00 amos.sta tus.....
00000075 05 64 6c 73 65 74 01 00 00 .dlset.. .
### Packet 131
#### Description
Contact List, usernames and their nicks
#### Content
This packet contains:
all usernames and their nicks
(nextSegmentLength type(131) 00 numberOfAtts)
attribute_length 'friends' 04 01 numberOfFriends 00 userLength 00 userName userLength 00 userName
attribute_length 'nick' 04 01 numberOfFriends 00 nickLength 00 nick nickLength 00 nick
attribute_length 'userid' 04 02 numberOfFriends 00 userID userID
#### Example
00000035 49 00 83 00 05 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 02 ab 3c 02 erid..<.
00000045 00 03 73 69 64 03 1f 31 a4 91 e2 2a 7b 19 e0 00 ..sid..1 ...*{...
00000055 4d 9e 7a 58 e8 6b 04 6e 69 63 6b 01 06 00 4b 65 M.zX.k.n ick...Ke
00000065 61 6d 6f 73 06 73 74 61 74 75 73 02 03 00 00 00 amos.sta tus.....
00000075 05 64 6c 73 65 74 01 00 00 .dlset.. .
### Packet 132
#### Description
Contact List, buddys online
#### Content
This packet contains:
(nextSegmentLength 00 type(132) 00 numberOfAtts)
attribute_length 'userid' 04 02 01 00 ab 3c 02 00
attribute_length 'sid' 04 03 01 00 sid(16bytes)
#### Example
000000D2 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 2c 00 84 00 XXXXXXXX XXXX,...
000000E2 02 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 04 02 01 00 ab 3c 02 00 ..userid .....<..
000000F2 03 73 69 64 04 03 01 00 8a ab d5 34 62 16 27 d7 .sid.... ...4b.'.
00000102 0a ee 01 de dd 5b fd 95 .....[..
a4 .
000003C8 00 84 00 02 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 04 02 07 00 d6 .....use rid.....
000003D8 33 01 00 ab 3c 02 00 82 9c 09 00 09 30 0a 00 53 3...<... ....0..S
000003E8 06 0c 00 09 01 0d 00 8c b2 12 00 03 73 69 64 04 ........ ....sid.
000003F8 03 07 00 22 ea 0f a1 fc 03 9e bf 5a 01 a5 8e 32 ...".... ...Z...2
00000408 8d 9e 8c 08 c7 32 b9 61 00 70 0e 3c ad 46 79 c7 .....2.a .p.<.Fy.
00000418 a3 d9 ad 92 27 41 6c 35 be aa f6 76 ea b0 cd e5 ....'Al5 ...v....
00000428 5e 27 79 27 58 68 cf 55 f7 de e9 b8 95 ca 1c 38 ^'y'Xh.U .......8
00000438 a2 3a 6b 73 c7 d9 6e d6 91 01 e9 c1 ec 50 bf fc .:ks..n. .....P..
00000448 09 58 4a aa 5f b2 5b 0c 75 a1 de f6 79 44 f3 e6 .XJ._.[. u...yD..
00000458 e4 fb 61 23 b7 5d 8d 20 98 cb 0b 28 4f 9b 81 f5 ..a#.]. ...(O...
00000468 ea 4b 5c
0000003E 2c 00 84 00 02 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 04 02 01 00 , erid....
0000004E 82 9c 09 00 03 73 69 64 04 03 01 00 00 00 00 00 .....sid ........
0000005E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ....
### Packet 134
#### Description
auth rejected, version too old
#### Content
This packet contains:
1. the reason for the connection refusing
packet_length 00 packet_type(86) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'version' 04 02 01 00 wantedVersionNumber 00 00 00
attribute_length 'file' 04 01 01 00 urlLength 00 url
attribute_length 'command' 04 02 01 00 01 00 00 00
attribute_length 'fileid' 04 02 01 00 00 00 00 00
#### Example
00000035 5a 00 86 00 04 07 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 04 02 01 rsion...
00000045 00 23 00 00 00 04 66 69 6c 65 04 01 01 00 1b 00 le......
00000055 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 36 34 2e 35 36 2e 31 39 39 http://6 4.56.199
00000065 2e 31 33 30 2f 33 35 2e 65 78 65 07 63 6f 6d 6d .130/35. exe.comm
00000075 61 6e 64 04 02 01 00 01 00 00 00 06 66 69 6c 65 and..... ....file
00000085 69 64 04 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 id...... ..
### Packet 135
#### Description
Infos about the game a buddy is playing
#### Content
This packet contains:
(nextSegmentLength 00 87 00 numberOfAtts)
attribute_length 'sid' 04 03 number_of_sids 00 sid(16 bytes)
attribute_length 'gameid' 04 02 number_of_games 00 gameid
attribute_length 'gip' 04 02 number_of_ips 00 ip
attribute_length 'gport' 04 02 number_of_ports 00 port(how coded?)
#### Example
2a 00 87 00 04 03 73 69 *
00000112 64 04 03 00 00 06 67 61 6d 65 69 64 04 02 00 00 meid....
00000122 03 67 69 70 04 02 00 00 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 .gip.... .gport..
00000132 00 00 ..
0000002C 46 00 87 00 04 03 73 69 64 04 03 01 00 25 07 cd d....%..
0000003C 17 75 5b 93 58 06 7f 71 80 e2 56 bc 3c 06 67 61 .u[.X..q ..V.<.ga
0000004C 6d 65 69 64 04 02 01 00 40 11 00 00 03 67 69 70 meid.... @....gip
0000005C 04 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 ........ .gport..
0000006C 01 00 00 00 00 00 ......
7e 00 87 00 04 03 73 69 64 04 03 03 .<.a~... ..sid...
0000036C 00 26 b4 4c 0e 0a 5f 2c e1 2c bd 77 73 a0 25 69 .&.L.._, .,.ws.%i
0000037C 13 ed 0a 6b 01 3c 7f 1f 6e 41 ee dc 40 50 c1 89 ...k.<.. nA..@P..
0000038C ba 13 96 fa 86 18 22 3a 1c 90 14 be 6a a0 a7 8b ......": ....j...
0000039C fd 06 67 61 6d 65 69 64 04 02 03 00 f9 10 00 00 ..gameid ........
000003AC 56 10 00 00 78 10 00 00 03 67 69 70 04 02 03 00 V...x... .gip....
000003BC 00 00 00 00 e6 d4 ef d5 00 00 00 00 05 67 70 6f ........ .....gpo
000003CC 72 74 04 02 03 00 00 00 00 00 cf 3c 00 00 00 00 rt...... ...<....
000003DC 00 00
battlefield vietnam:
0000020D 24 00 8e 00 02 03 73 69 64 03 bc c3 6d 2e 96 74 $ d...m..t
0000021D 75 84 3b 8f cc 78 47 f6 a5 c8 04 74 79 70 65 02 u.;..xG. ...type.
0000022D 00 00 00 00 ....
00000231 46 00 87 00 04 03 73 69 64 04 03 01 00 bc c3 6d d......m
00000241 2e 96 74 75 84 3b 8f cc 78 47 f6 a5 c8 06 67 61 ..tu.;..
00000251 6d 65 69 64 04 02 01 00 56 10 00 00 03 67 69 70 meid.... V....gip
00000261 04 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 ........ .gport..
00000271 01 00 00 00 00 00 ......
000002BD 46 00 87 00 04 03 73 69 64 04 03 01 00 bc c3 6d d......m
000002CD 2e 96 74 75 84 3b 8f cc 78 47 f6 a5 c8 06 67 61 ..tu.;..
000002DD 6d 65 69 64 04 02 01 00 56 10 00 00 03 67 69 70 meid.... V....gip
000002ED 04 02 01 00 22 08 26 cf 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 ....".&. .gport..
000002FD 01 00 fc 6c 00 00 ...l..
00000303 46 00 87 00 04 03 73 69 64 04 03 01 00 bc c3 6d d......m
00000313 2e 96 74 75 84 3b 8f cc 78 47 f6 a5 c8 06 67 61 ..tu.;..
00000323 6d 65 69 64 04 02 01 00 56 10 00 00 03 67 69 70 meid.... V....gip
00000333 04 02 01 00 6d e7 70 d4 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 ....m.p. .gport..
00000343 01 00 cf 3c 00 00 ...<..
### Packet 137
#### Description
Result of add buddy
#### Content
This packet contains:
1. the reason for the connection refusing
packet_length 00 packet_type(137) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'name' number_of_names name_length 00 name
(attribute_length 'reason' 02 00 00 00 00)//error
(attribute_length 'result' 02 00 00 00 00)//success
#### Example
00000000 1d 00 89 00 02 04 6e 61 6d 65 01 04 00 73 73 64 me...ssd
00000010 66 06 72 65 73 75 6c 74 02 00 00 00 00 f.result .....
00000000 23 00 89 00 02 04 6e 61 6d 65 01 0a 00 6b 65 6e me...ken
00000010 73 68 69 6e 33 33 33 06 72 65 73 75 6c 74 02 00 shin333. result..
00000020 00 00 00 ...
### Packet 138
#### Description
Invitiation to be added to the contact list
#### Content
This packet contains:
1. the reason for the connection refusing
packet_length 00 packet_type(138) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'name' 04 01 01 00 name_length 00 name
attribute_length 'nick' 04 01 01 00 nick_length 00
attribute_length 'msg' 04 01 01 00 message_length 00 message
#### Example
48 00 8a 00 03 04 6e 61 6d H .....nam
00000112 65 04 01 01 00 08 00 62 6c 69 74 7a 31 31 31 04 e......b litz111.
00000122 6e 69 63 6b 04 01 01 00 00 00 03 6d 73 67 04 01 nick.... ...msg..
00000132 01 00 1b 00 41 64 64 20 6d 65 20 74 6f 20 79 6f ....Add me to yo
00000142 75 72 20 46 72 69 65 6e 64 73 20 6c 69 73 74 ur Frien ds list
### Packet 139
#### Description
Ack for remove buddy
#### Content
This packet contains:
packet_length type(139) number_of_atts
#### Example
00000000 11 00 8b 00 01 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 02 ab 3c 02 erid..<.
00000010 00
### Packet 142
#### Description
Online(away) status information
#### Content
This packet contains:
(nextSegmentLength 00 8e 00 numberOfAtts)
attribute_length 'sid' 03 sid(16bytes)
attribute_length 'type' 02 01 00 00 00
attribute_length 'status' 05 01
attribute_length 't' statusLength_length statusLength 00 status
#### Example
00000132 4a 00 8e 00 03 03 73 69 64 03 8a ab d5 34 J..... sid....4
00000142 62 16 27 d7 0a ee 01 de dd 5b fd 95 04 74 79 70 b.'..... .[...typ
00000152 65 02 01 00 00 00 06 73 74 61 74 75 73 05 01 01 e......s tatus...
00000162 74 01 18 00 28 41 46 4b 29 20 41 77 61 79 20 46 t...(AFK ) Away F
00000172 72 6f 6d 20 4b 65 79 62 6f 61 72 64 rom Keyb oard
This one comes if a user is back online
0000023D 38 00 8e 00 03 03 73 69 64 03 be d8 a8 53 b1 36 d....S.6
0000024D 3b e0 c0 e2 3e 6a c6 04 fa 29 04 74 79 70 65 02 ;...>j.. .).type.
0000025D 01 00 00 00 06 73 74 61 74 75 73 05 01 01 74 01 .....sta tus...t.
0000026D 06 00 4f 6e 6c 69 6e 65 ..Online
This one comes if a user is back online
0000004A 24 00 8e 00 02 03 73 69 64 03 0f a6 ae eb d3 b1 $ d.......
0000005A 32 99 c3 8a 07 02 92 a8 09 5d 04 74 79 70 65 02 2....... .].type.
0000006A 00 00 00 00 ....
### Packet 145
#### Description
This error tells us that somebody logged in as us from somewhere else
#### Content
This packet contains:
1. the reason for the connection aborting
packet_length 00 packet_type(145) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'reason' 02 01 00 00 00
#### Example
0000022D 11 00 91 00 01 06 72 65 61 73 6f 6e 02 01 00 00 ason....
0000023D 00
### Packet 148
#### Description
Some game information? No username or so...
#### Content
This packet contains:
(nextSegmentLength type(131) 00 numberOfAtts)
attribute_length 'max'
attribute_length 'gameid'
attribute_length 'gip'
attribute_length 'gport'
#### Example
00000098 37 7
000000A8 00 94 00 04 03 6d 61 78 02 1e 00 00 00 06 67 61 .....max
000000B8 6d 65 69 64 04 02 01 00 09 10 00 00 03 67 69 70 meid.... .....gip
000000C8 04 02 01 00 4e db 13 43 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 ....N..C .gport..
000000D8 01 00 e7 38 00 00 ...8..
Packet is 654(28e) bytes long
00000138 XX 8e 02 83 00 03 07 66 72 69 65 6e 64 73 04 01 0......f riends..
00000148 1e 00 0a 00 6a 65 73 75 73 66 72 65 61 6b 05 00 ....jesu sfreak..
00000158 67 6c 6f 62 65 09 00 6d 61 74 63 68 62 6f 6f 6b globe..m atchbook
00000168 06 00 6b 65 61 6d 6f 73 08 00 64 33 66 31 61 6e ..keamos ..d3f1an
00000178 63 33 09 00 70 6c 6f 6b 6b 72 31 32 33 0c 00 65 c3..plok kr123..e
00000188 65 74 75 72 77 65 65 64 69 65 73 09 00 62 69 67 eturweed ies..big
00000198 73 63 68 69 6d 73 08 00 61 73 72 61 6e 69 65 6c schims.. asraniel
000001A8 06 00 6b 6f 6f 6c 69 6f 06 00 63 68 61 6f 73 6b ..koolio ..chaosk
000001B8 08 00 70 6f 69 6e 74 33 31 34 05 00 6f 72 69 61 ..point3 14..oria
000001C8 68 0e 00 61 6c 62 69 6e 6f 63 68 69 6e 61 6d 61 h..albin ochinama
000001D8 6e 0b 00 75 6e 68 6f 6c 79 6d 61 6b 65 72 09 00 n..unhol ymaker..
000001E8 64 61 64 64 79 6e 6f 6f 6f 0c 00 64 6f 72 6b 79 daddynoo o..dorky
000001F8 74 69 66 66 61 6e 79 09 00 6c 61 7a 65 72 6d 61 tiffany. .lazerma
00000208 6e 65 06 00 62 65 65 66 67 74 0c 00 69 61 6d 74 ne..beef gt..iamt
00000218 68 65 6b 69 6c 6c 65 72 08 00 62 6c 69 74 7a 31 hekiller ..blitz1
00000228 31 31 07 00 6d 61 64 67 75 6e 61 0a 00 66 6c 69 11..madg una..fli
00000238 70 73 74 79 6c 65 65 07 00 65 63 6f 6d 69 6b 65 pstylee. .ecomike
00000248 0f 00 66 6f 73 68 65 65 7a 79 6d 79 6e 65 65 7a ..foshee zymyneez
00000258 79 09 00 69 61 6d 6d 6f 75 73 65 79 07 00 61 70 y..iammo usey..ap
00000268 68 65 74 74 6f 0c 00 69 6c 6c 73 6b 69 6c 6c 73 hetto..i llskills
00000278 37 31 39 07 00 64 73 79 70 68 65 72 0d 00 70 68 719..dsy
00000288 6f 65 6e 69 78 69 6e 71 75 69 73 04 6e 69 63 6b oenixinq uis.nick
00000298 04 01 1e 00 0a 00 4a 65 73 75 73 46 72 65 61 6b ......Je susFreak
000002A8 00 00 09 00 4d 61 74 63 68 62 6f 6f 6b 06 00 4b ....Matc hbook..K
000002B8 65 61 6d 6f 73 08 00 44 65 66 69 61 6e 63 65 00 eamos..D efiance.
000002C8 00 04 00 6c 6f 4f 6c 09 00 42 69 67 53 63 68 69 ...loOl. .BigSchi
000002D8 6d 73 00 00 06 00 4b 6f 6f 6c 69 6f 0c 00 43 68 ms....Ko olio..Ch
000002E8 61 6f 73 20 4b 69 6c 6c 65 72 00 00 00 00 00 00 aos Kill er......
000002F8 06 00 55 6e 68 6f 6c 79 00 00 00 00 09 00 4c 61 ..Unholy ......La
00000308 7a 65 72 4d 61 6e 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 zerMane. ........
00000318 00 05 00 44 72 55 6e 4b 09 00 66 61 20 73 68 65 ...DrUnK ..fa she
00000328 65 7a 79 05 00 6d 6f 55 73 65 00 00 00 00 0a 00 ezy..moU se......
00000338 44 61 72 6b 53 79 70 68 65 72 00 00 06 75 73 65 DarkSyph er...use
00000348 72 69 64 04 02 1e 00 fc 31 01 00 79 32 01 00 d6 rid..... 1..y2...
00000358 33 01 00 ab 3c 02 00 a2 93 02 00 e3 3c 04 00 42 3...<... ....<..B
00000368 f9 04 00 7c af 05 00 82 9c 09 00 05 24 0a 00 09 ...|.... ....$...
00000378 30 0a 00 41 a1 0a 00 0c a4 0a 00 ec ae 0a 00 dd 0..A.... ........
00000388 ce 0a 00 c6 a1 0b 00 13 fa 0b 00 53 06 0c 00 ca ........ ...S....
00000398 1c 0c 00 62 67 0c 00 09 01 0d 00 2f 8f 0d 00 7c .../...|
000003A8 31 0e 00 f3 a5 0e 00 e9 fa 10 00 c3 2c 11 00 d7 1....... ....,...
000003B8 7d 11 00 32 8d 11 00 8c b2 12 00 6b 16 15 00 XX }..2.... ...k....
### Packet 141
#### Description
Contact List
#### Content
This packet contains:
This is a LONG packet, which means, the length at the beginning is not the
total length of the packet.
nextSegmentLength 00 8d 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'prefs' 05 00
(nextSegmentLength 00 83 00 numberOfAtts)
attribute_length 'friends' 04 01 02 00 userLength 00 userName userLength 00 userName
attribute_length 'nick' 04 01 02 00 nickLength 00 nick nickLength 00 nick
attribute_length 'userid' 04 02 02 00 userID userID
(nextSegmentLength 00 84 00 numberOfAtts)
attribute_length 'userid' 04 02 01 00 ab 3c 02 00
attribute_length 'sid' 04 03 01 00 sid(16bytes)
(nextSegmentLength 00 87 00 numberOfAtts)
attribute_length 'sid' 04 03 00 00
attribute_length 'gameid' 04 02 00 00
attribute_length 'gip' 04 02 00 00
attribute_length 'gport' 04 02 00 00
(nextSegmentLength 00 8e 00 numberOfAtts)
attribute_length 'sid' sid(17bytes)
attribute_length 'type' 02 01 00 00 00
attribute_length 'status' 05 01 01 74 statusLength_length statusLength 00 status
(nextSegmentLength 00 93 00 numberOfAtts)
attribute_length 'sid' 04 03 01 00 sid(17bytes)
attribute_length 'vid' 04 02 01 00 20 00 00 00
attribute_length 'vip' 04 02 01 00 5e 6a 13 43
attribute_length 'vport' 04 02 01 00 3f 22 00 00
(nextSegmentLength 00 87 00 numberOfAtts)
(nextSegmentLength 00 94 00 numberOfAtts)
(nextSegmentLength 00 90 01 numberOfAtts) //aha!
#### Example
00000082 0d 00 8d 00 01 05 70 72 65 66 73 05 00 4f 00 83 efs..O..
00000092 00 03 07 66 72 69 65 6e 64 73 04 01 02 00 06 00 ...frien ds......
000000A2 6b 65 61 6d 6f 73 0e 00 74 65 73 74 66 72 69 65 keamos.. testfrie
000000B2 6e 64 32 38 38 36 04 6e 69 63 6b 04 01 02 00 06 nd2886.n ick.....
000000C2 00 4b 65 61 6d 6f 73 00 00 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 .Keamos. ..userid
000000D2 04 02 02 00 ab 3c 02 00 ad 3a 06 00 2c 00 84 00 .....<.. .:..,...
000000E2 02 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 04 02 01 00 ab 3c 02 00 ..userid .....<..
000000F2 03 73 69 64 04 03 01 00 8a ab d5 34 62 16 27 d7 .sid.... ...4b.'.
00000102 0a ee 01 de dd 5b fd 95 2a 00 87 00 04 03 73 69 .....[.. *
00000112 64 04 03 00 00 06 67 61 6d 65 69 64 04 02 00 00 meid....
00000122 03 67 69 70 04 02 00 00 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 .gip.... .gport..
00000132 00 00 4a 00 8e 00 03 03 73 69 64 03 8a ab d5 34 ..J..... sid....4
00000142 62 16 27 d7 0a ee 01 de dd 5b fd 95 04 74 79 70 b.'..... .[...typ
00000152 65 02 01 00 00 00 06 73 74 61 74 75 73 05 01 01 e......s tatus...
00000162 74 01 18 00 28 41 46 4b 29 20 41 77 61 79 20 46 t...(AFK ) Away F
00000172 72 6f 6d 20 4b 65 79 62 6f 61 72 64 43 00 93 00 rom Keyb oardC...
00000182 04 03 73 69 64 04 03 01 00 8a ab d5 34 62 16 27 ..sid... ....4b.'
00000192 d7 0a ee 01 de dd 5b fd 95 03 76 69 64 04 02 01 ......[. ..vid...
000001A2 00 20 00 00 00 03 76 69 70 04 02 01 00 5e 6a 13 . p....^j.
000001B2 43 05 76 70 6f 72 74 04 02 01 00 3f 22 00 00 46 C.vport. ...?"..F
000001C2 00 87 00 04 03 73 69 64 04 03 01 00 60 20 5b 52 .....sid ....` [R
000001D2 c2 f0 81 51 a3 cf dc 85 2b 8c 20 b8 06 67 61 6d ...Q.... . ..gam
000001E2 65 69 64 04 02 01 00 d7 10 00 00 03 67 69 70 04 eid..... ....gip.
000001F2 02 01 00 1e 23 ed 40 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 01 ....#.@. gport...
00000202 00 20 71 00 00 2b 00 94 00 04 03 6d 61 78 02 1e . q.. .. ...max..
00000212 00 00 00 06 67 61 6d 65 69 64 04 02 00 00 03 67 id.....g
00000222 69 70 04 02 00 00 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 00 00 ip.....g port....
00000232 1f 00 90 01 01 03 64 69 64 06 d1 3d 67 48 7b 21 ......di d..=gH{!
00000242 0c 8d 56 cc 72 90 7a 4a ab f1 9d 2e 2c 4b 1b ..V.r.zJ ....,K.
### Packet 144
#### Description
Another Contact List
#### Content
This packet contains:
#### Example
00000082 1f 00 90 01 01 03 64 69 64 06 d1 25 35 b0 95 9c ......di d..%5...
00000092 35 41 d5 4e c0 3c 69 5d d4 bb c8 b0 b7 9f 4f 0d 5A.N.<i] ......O.
000000A2 00 8d 00 01 05 70 72 65 66 73 05 00 4f 00 83 00 .....pre fs..O...
000000B2 03 07 66 72 69 65 6e 64 73 04 01 02 00 06 00 6b ..friend s......k
000000C2 65 61 6d 6f 73 0e 00 74 65 73 74 66 72 69 65 6e eamos..t estfrien
000000D2 64 32 38 38 36 04 6e 69 63 6b 04 01 02 00 06 00 ck......
000000E2 4b 65 61 6d 6f 73 00 00 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 04 Keamos.. .userid.
000000F2 02 02 00 ab 3c 02 00 ad 3a 06 00 2c 00 84 00 02 ....<... :..,....
00000102 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 04 02 01 00 ab 3c 02 00 03 .userid. ....<...
00000112 73 69 64 04 03 01 00 8c 73 95 43 8d 08 3c 53 49 sid..... s.C..<SI
00000122 30 a9 76 b8 56 38 2f 2a 00 87 00 04 03 73 69 64 0.v.V8/* .....sid
00000132 04 03 00 00 06 67 61 6d 65 69 64 04 02 00 00 03 .....gam eid.....
00000142 67 69 70 04 02 00 00 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 00 gip..... gport...
00000152 00 46 00 87 00 04 03 73 69 64 04 03 01 00 6d a0 .F.....s id....m.
00000162 d1 11 0f 5b e1 e4 28 c0 fd 6e 79 f5 bf 79 06 67 ...[..(. .ny..y.g
00000172 61 6d 65 69 64 04 02 01 00 78 10 00 00 03 67 69 ameid...
00000182 70 04 02 01 00 51 e1 81 0c 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 p....Q.. ..gport.
00000192 02 01 00 8c 0e 00 00 2b 00 94 00 04 03 6d 61 78 ....... .....max
000001A2 02 1e 00 00 00 06 67 61 6d 65 69 64 04 02 00 00 meid....
000001B2 03 67 69 70 04 02 00 00 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 .gip.... .gport..
000001C2 .. 00 00
00000078 1f 00 90 01 01 03 64 69 64 06 d1 20 6b 88 d7 69 ......di d.. k..i
00000088 90 15 7f 50 94 7c f3 2e c9 e0 66 15 6a 85 96 2b ...P.|.. ..f.j..
00000098 00 94 00 04 03 6d 61 78 02 1e 00 00 00 06 67 61 .....max
000000A8 6d 65 69 64 04 02 00 00 03 67 69 70 04 02 00 00 meid.... .gip....
000000B8 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 00 00 0d 00 8d 00 01 05 .gport.. ........
000000C8 70 72 65 66 73 05 00 3b 00 83 00 03 07 66 72 69 prefs..; .....fri
000000D8 65 6e 64 73 04 01 01 00 0e 00 74 65 73 74 66 72 ends.... ..testfr
000000E8 69 65 6e 64 32 38 38 36 04 6e 69 63 6b 04 01 01 iend2886 .nick...
000000F8 00 00 00 06 75 73 65 72 69 64 04 02 01 00 ad 3a ....user id.....:
00000108 06 00 2a 00 87 00 04 03 73 69 64 04 03 00 00 06 ..*..... sid.....
00000118 67 61 6d 65 69 64 04 02 00 00 03 67 69 70 04 02 gameid.. ...gip..
00000128 00 00 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 00 00 96 01 87 00 ...gport ........
00000138 04 03 73 69 64 04 03 0d 00 2a 44 e6 1d 08 5c 99 ..sid... .*D...\.
00000148 50 5b 3b 99 8e 73 0d d1 08 70 85 41 28 6e 68 0c P[;..s.. .p.A(nh.
00000158 38 07 f3 50 d6 5c 9f 4b 86 d4 be cc 21 d1 6e 6b 8..P.\.K ....!.nk
00000168 e3 eb c5 8e bb 00 d0 43 53 eb f7 c5 05 6a 78 95 .......C S....jx.
00000178 3c d6 82 3c 57 9c 29 f2 eb 5c cd 2b bd a0 d5 6f <..<W.). .\. ...o
00000188 d3 b3 35 e0 0a 30 26 f0 ad f6 bb f8 97 42 3d 53 ..5..0&. .....B=S
00000198 5f ce 92 70 ee 72 4f 96 f1 45 48 08 4f 2a 54 67 _..p.rO. .EH.O*Tg
000001A8 d8 25 bd ad 3f e1 34 40 3c 33 27 cb a7 86 0c 26 .%..?.4@ <3'....&
000001B8 54 6d c3 d1 bf 0e 18 c6 ed 23 cb 52 cc 8d e1 94 Tm...... .#.R....
000001C8 b3 22 5e 3e 08 79 44 c1 a2 dc a8 a1 f1 4c cc 97 ."^>.yD. .....L..
000001D8 b8 5e 3a 5f 38 28 dd cb f4 77 50 b4 06 4a 70 4c .^:_8(.. .wP..JpL
000001E8 20 1a a2 ec 3c 9a d2 76 63 ee 9b 3c 05 c5 8f 57 ...<..v c..<...W
000001F8 1e 51 f9 aa e6 7c 00 96 03 c4 1a 44 6c 6b d7 d3 .Q...|.. ...Dlk..
00000208 ac 2a c4 f7 89 38 01 b4 bf 06 67 61 6d 65 69 64 .*...8.. ..gameid
00000218 04 02 0d 00 ae 10 00 00 77 10 00 00 e3 10 00 00 ........ w.......
00000228 86 10 00 00 09 10 00 00 44 10 00 00 0f 10 00 00 ........ D.......
00000238 45 10 00 00 18 10 00 00 05 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 E....... ........
00000248 bd 10 00 00 05 00 00 00 03 67 69 70 04 02 0d 00 ........ .gip....
00000258 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
00000268 09 e7 70 d4 14 ec f2 c3 00 00 00 00 18 34 8e 53 ..p..... .....4.S
00000278 f3 bb 0f 51 10 e9 1c c1 03 92 62 53 30 6a f8 d5 ...Q.... ..bS0j..
00000288 51 ab 02 51 05 67 70 6f 72 74 04 02 0d 00 00 00 Q..Q.gpo rt......
00000298 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e7 38 ........ .......8
000002A8 00 00 87 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 87 69 00 00 20 71 ...i.... ...i.. q
000002B8 00 00 8a 69 00 00 87 69 00 00 a0 0f 00 00 a5 69 ...i...i .......i
000002C8 00 00 ..
## Chat
### Receive IM (133)
#### Description
We got a chat message. We have to send a Ack for this IM
#### Content
This packet contains:
1. sid between the sender and me
1. peermesage(?)
1. msgtype
1. imindex
1. im, the message
length 00 type(133) 00 numberOfAtts //all after and with peermsg is 1 att
attribute_length 'sid' 03 SID //sid_length = 16
attribute_length 'peermsg' 05 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'msgtype' 02 00 00 00 00
attribute_length 'imindex' 02 numberOfMessage(xx 00 00 00)
attribute_length 'im' messageLength_length messageLength 00 messageText
#### Example
000000D9 58 00 85 00 02 03 73 69 64 03 ee 9b 3c 05 c5 8f d.î.<.Å.
000000E9 57 1e 51 f9 aa e6 7c 00 96 03 07 70 65 65 72 6d W.Qùªæ|. ...peerm
000000F9 73 67 05 03 07 6d 73 67 74 79 70 65 02 00 00 00 sg...msg type....
00000109 00 07 69 6d 69 6e 64 65 78 02 02 00 00 00 02 69 ..iminde x......i
00000119 6d 01 14 00 6f 6b 20 6f 6b 20 28 69 6d 20 66 72 m...ok o k (im fr
00000129 65 6e 63 68 29 20 6e 70 ench) np
### Ack IM (02)
#### Description
We have to ack the IM we got, so that the chatpartner know we got it.
#### Content
This packet contains:
1. sid between the sender and me
1. peermesage(?)
1. msgtype
1. imindex
3e 00 type(02) 00 numberOfAtts //all after and with peermsg is 1 att
attribute_length 'sid' 03 SID
attribute_length 'peermsg' 05 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'msgtype' 02 01 00 00 00
attribute_length 'imindex' 02 numberOfMessage(xx 00 00 00)
#### Example
0000011C 3e 00 02 00 02 03 73 69 64 03 ee 9b 3c 05 c5 8f > d.î.<.Å.
0000012C 57 1e 51 f9 aa e6 7c 00 96 03 07 70 65 65 72 6d W.Qùªæ|. ...peerm
0000013C 73 67 05 02 07 6d 73 67 74 79 70 65 02 01 00 00 sg...msg type....
0000014C 00 07 69 6d 69 6e 64 65 78 02 02 00 00 00 ..iminde x.....
### Send IM (02)
#### Description
We have Send a IM. We will receive a Ack for our IM
#### Content
This packet contains:
1. sid between the destination and me
1. peermesage(?)
1. msgtype
1. imindex
1. im
length 00 type(02) 00 numberOfAtts //all after and with peermsg is 1 att
attribute_length 'sid' 03 SID
attribute_length 'peermsg' 05 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'msgtype' 02 00 00 00 00
attribute_length 'imindex' 02 numberOfMessage(xx 00 00 00)
attribute_length 'im' messageLength_length messageLength 00 messageText
#### Example
00000198 57 00 02 00 02 03 73 69 64 03 ee 9b 3c 05 c5 8f d.î.<.Å.
000001A8 57 1e 51 f9 aa e6 7c 00 96 03 07 70 65 65 72 6d W.Qùªæ|. ...peerm
000001B8 73 67 05 03 07 6d 73 67 74 79 70 65 02 00 00 00 sg...msg type....
000001C8 00 07 69 6d 69 6e 64 65 78 02 04 00 00 00 02 69 ..iminde x......i
000001D8 6d 01 13 00 69 20 61 6c 73 6f 20 73 70 65 61 6b m...i al so speak
000001E8 20 66 72 65 6e 63 68 french
### Ack for our IM (133)
#### Description
We got a ack for the IM we sent
#### Content
This packet contains:
1. sid between the destination and me
1. peermesage(?)
1. msgtype
1. imindex
3e 00 type(133) 00 numberOfAtts //all after and with peermsg is 1 att
attribute_length 'sid' 03 SID
attribute_length 'peermsg' 05 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'msgtype' 02 01 00 00 00
attribute_length 'imindex' 02 numberOfMessage(xx 00 00 00)
#### Example
00000177 3e 00 85 00 02 03 73 69 64 03 ee 9b 3c 05 c5 8f > d.î.<.Å.
00000187 57 1e 51 f9 aa e6 7c 00 96 03 07 70 65 65 72 6d W.Qùªæ|. ...peerm
00000197 73 67 05 02 07 6d 73 67 74 79 70 65 02 01 00 00 sg...msg type....
000001A7 00 07 69 6d 69 6e 64 65 78 02 04 00 00 00 ..iminde x.....
### Chat authentification (133)
#### Description
Our chat partner want some infos about us, and gives us a salt.. dont know for
what. We have to respond
#### Content
This packet contains:
1. sid of the sender
1. peermesage(?)
1. msgtype
1. ip (public?)
1. port(public?)
1. localip
1. localport
1. status
1. salt
length 00 type(133) 00 numberOfAtts //all after and with peermsg is 1 att
attribute_length 'sid' 03 SID
attribute_length 'peermsg' 05 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'msgtype' 02 02 00 00 00
attribute_length 'ip' 02 ipInHex
attribute_length 'port' 02 25 04 00 00
attribute_length 'localip' 02 ipInHex
attribute_length 'localport' 02 25 04 00 00 06
attribute_length 'status' 02 01 00 00 00
attribute_length 'salt' saltLength_length saltLength 00 salt(40bytes)
#### Example
0000003E 9b 00 85 00 02 03 73 69 64 03 ee 9b 3c 05 c5 8f d...<...
0000004E 57 1e 51 f9 aa e6 7c 00 96 03 07 70 65 65 72 6d W.Q...|. ...peerm
0000005E 73 67 05 07 07 6d 73 67 74 79 70 65 02 02 00 00 sg...msg type....
0000006E 00 02 69 70 02 18 74 70 53 04 70 6f 72 74 02 25 S.port.%
0000007E 04 00 00 07 6c 6f 63 61 6c 69 70 02 18 74 70 53 ....loca lip..tpS
0000008E 09 6c 6f 63 61 6c 70 6f 72 74 02 25 04 00 00 06 .localpo rt.%....
0000009E 73 74 61 74 75 73 02 01 00 00 00 04 73 61 6c 74 status.. ....salt
000000AE 01 28 00 65 62 65 66 66 66 38 33 36 39 62 63 32 .(.ebeff f8369bc2
000000BE 65 37 39 30 38 35 62 38 36 34 35 34 32 36 66 64 e79085b8 645426fd
000000CE 36 34 33 30 30 62 66 66 37 34 32 64300bff 742
### Chat authentification response(133)
#### Description
We send our chat partner some infos and his hash.
#### Content
This packet contains:
1. sid of the sender
1. peermesage(?)
1. msgtype
1. ip (public?)
1. port(public?)
1. localip
1. localport
1. status
1. salt
length 00 type(2) 00 numberOfAtts //all after and with peermsg is 1 att
attribute_length 'sid' 03 SID //sid of the other
attribute_length 'peermsg' 05 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'msgtype' 02 02 00 00 00
attribute_length 'ip' 02 ipInHex
attribute_length 'port' 02 25 04 00 00
attribute_length 'localip' 02 ipInHex
attribute_length 'localport' 02 25 04 00 00 06
attribute_length 'status' 02 01 00 00 00
attribute_length 'salt' saltLength_length saltLength 00 salt(40bytes)
#### Example
00000081 9b 00 02 00 02 03 73 69 64 03 ee 9b 3c 05 c5 8f d...<...
00000091 57 1e 51 f9 aa e6 7c 00 96 03 07 70 65 65 72 6d W.Q...|. ...peerm
000000A1 73 67 05 07 07 6d 73 67 74 79 70 65 02 02 00 00 sg...msg type....
000000B1 00 02 69 70 02 b0 18 a7 3e 04 70 6f 72 74 02 f3 ..ip.... >.port..
000000C1 6a 00 00 07 6c 6f 63 61 6c 69 70 02 21 01 a8 c0 j...loca lip.!...
000000D1 09 6c 6f 63 61 6c 70 6f 72 74 02 96 06 00 00 06 .localpo rt......
000000E1 73 74 61 74 75 73 02 01 00 00 00 04 73 61 6c 74 status.. ....salt
000000F1 01 28 00 65 62 65 66 66 66 38 33 36 39 62 63 32 .(.ebeff f8369bc2
00000101 65 37 39 30 38 35 62 38 36 34 35 34 32 36 66 64 e79085b8 645426fd
00000111 36 34 33 30 30 62 66 66 37 34 32 64300bff 742
### Packet 143
#### Description
Ask for buddy add
#### Content
The packet contains:
packet_length 00 type(143) 00 numberOfAtts
attribute_length 'name' number_of_names name_length 00 name
attribute_length 'fname' number_of_fnames fname_length 00 fname //first name
attribute_length 'lname' number_of_lnames lname_length 00 lname //last name
#### Example
00000736 3b 00 8f 00 03 04 6e 61 6d 65 04 01 01 00 06 00 ; me......
00000746 6b 65 61 6d 6f 73 05 66 6e 61 6d 65 04 01 01 00 keamos.f name....
00000756 07 00 4d 69 63 68 61 65 6c 05 6c 6e 61 6d 65 04 ..Michae l.lname.
00000766 01 01 00 06 00 43 61 6c 64 65 72 .....Cal der
## External links
* [Wikipedia article](
* [Gfire]( Xfire protocol Plugin for Pidgin
* [Gfire source code]( Gfire's packet parsing method
* [XFireGateway]( which
also implements [GOIM](../ extensions to the Jabber protocol.
* [OpenFire]( Java API and suite of tools
for accessing the XFire instant messaging network