
The build agents don't have convey 0.15 yet..
# Skype
This page is a placeholder, for documentation of the Skype protocol used by
## Introduction
Some initial work has been done by Efim Bushmanov to reverse engineered the
skype protocol and can be found
Warning: depending on how the developer reverse engineered the protocol (such
as decompiling Skype's binaries) using the documentation may possibly violate
US copyright law and/or the DMCA.
All Skype desktop clients (i.e. Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux) have an
[API]( which allows other programs
running on the computer to perform Skype actions and receive Skype
notifications on the logged-in Skype account by inter-process communication
with the Skype client. The downsides of this are that 1) you need to have the
Skype client GUI running for this to work, 2) only one account can be logged
into Skype at once (unless you somehow run multiple instances of the Skype
client), and 3) not all features are available in the API.
Skype also offers something called
[SkypeKit](, which is essentially
the above-mentioned API as a library so you don't have to run a separate Skype
program. With this, [Trillian 5.1 for Windows directly supports native Skype
chat and audio and video calls without running the Skype client](
However, there are a lot of legal restrictions on the use of SkypeKit, e.g. you
cannot put it on a mobile device, and you cannot run it on a server.
## Useful Links
* [Wikipedia](
* [Some basic descriptions of the Skype protocol](
* [a Pidgin plugin that relies on the Skype client](
* [Skype log file analysis](