
Add msn

2022-04-09, Gary Kramlich
Add msn
# is a free-to-use gaming service developed by Blizzard Entertainment
to connect their games, specifically from their three big franchises,
StarCraft, Diablo, and WarCraft. It is proprietary.
The service is an old service dating back to 1996 with the release
of the original Diablo game, and is best known as the first gaming service
integrated into the games. as a set of servers has always provided three basic things,
chatting, matchmaking, and player statistics.
## Classic
Classic (or BNET), the name retroactively given to the first set of
servers, allows game owners to connect to their servers and chat with other
players in channels. was meant to loosely work like IRC, though its
moderation capabilities are less powerful, and the fact that players are
limited to a single channel at a time says otherwise.
Supported products:
* **Chat** (1996-2005) (they used to allow standard Telnet clients to connect
to their servers for chat purposes)
* **Diablo** (1996-present) (limited to public chat channels)
* **StarCraft** (1998-present) (and expansion)
* **WarCraft II** (1999-present) (support added by the " Edition"
* **Diablo II** (2000-present) (and expansion)
* **WarCraft III** (2002-present) (and expansion)
The shareware and [Spawn](#spawn-clients) versions of the above games (Diablo
Shareware, StarCraft Spawn, WarCraft II Spawn) work too, but are limited to
public chat channels.
### Chat Server
The Chat Server (BNCS) allows players to connect and join a channel.
BNCS supports:
* Updating game clients
* Product key checking
* Account logon, creation, and password changes
* E-mail binding to accounts, and initiating e-mail-based password resetting
* Multiple-user public and private channels, where each player can be in one
channel at a time
* A list of news and a message of the day
* A friends list
* A list of games you can advertise to or join one of (in Diablo II this is
Open, and inWarCraft III, this is Custom Games)
* User profiles and game statistics
* For WarCraft III, ladder arranged-team matches
* For WarCraft III, ladder random-opponent matches
* For WarCraft III, tournament matches and statistics
* For WarCraft III, clan joining, creating, and management
* For WarCraft III, clan game statistics
#### Chat Channels
Chat channels are either public, or private. Blizzard has the policy of not
interfering with players in private channels.
List of public channels:
* **Blizzard Tech Support** (used to conduct moderated tech support by
Blizzard employees, now defunct)
* **Open Tech Support** (for players to help other players with technical
* **Blizzard Chat** (for public chat about Blizzard)
* Public Chat (#) (historically the product channel for Telnet Chat, now used
for public chat, for example * "Public Chat 3")
* **Clan Recruitment** (for advertising your clan or group)
* (product name) (region-3-letter-code)-(#) (product channel for the client,
for example "Brood War USA-1")
* **Diablo II** (realm)-(region-3-letter-code)-(#) (product channel for a
closed Diablo II realm, for example "Diablo II Europe-GBR-10")
* various product-related channels (for example, channels for map making or
Any channel with the product name (list of product names: "Diablo",
"StarCraft", "StarCraftJ", "Brood War", "WarCraft II", "Diablo II", "LoD",
"WarCraft III", "Frozen Throne") followed by any single name is a product
channel for that client. All non-Diablo II product channels are public
channels, while Diablo II product channels are only public to users on the
correct Realm on Diablo II.
#### Protocol Specifics
There are four official BNCS "gateways", which are a set of servers that
correspond to a certain region and have an associated domain and two associated
* USEast/Azeroth (
* USWest/Lordaeron (
* Europe/Northrend (
* Asia/Kalimdor (
There were sometimes additional official servers:
* Beta/Westfall ( (used to publicly test future patches)
* USTest/Stratholme ( (used to publicly test a hardware
* (unknown namespace) ( (an old version of the
server software used to host the WarCraft III Demo. This is still running,
but does not support chatting or many other features, as they wanted to push
you to buy WarCraft III)
Unofficial (private) servers have been hosted by various people, leading to the
[bnetd controversy]( This has since been
resolved. Hosting of private servers such as the open source
[PvPGN software]( is deemed legal as long as
you do not check players' [CD Keys](#cd-keys).
A namespace is an unofficial term for the way BNCS handles multiple account
logon systems. All clients except WarCraft III used a broken SHA-1 based logon
system. With the release of WarCraft III, Blizzard wanted to allow users to
create all new accounts using their new SRP-based logon system that was more
secure, but they wanted to keep all old accounts for their previous games. All
accounts got `'@' + namespace` added to their username and new namespaces were
added, named after regions in the WarCraft universe. When you are on an
account, usernames appear without your current namespace.
For example, `A` is on WarCraft III and `B` is on StarCraft on `A` sees `B@USEast` and `B` sees `A@Azeroth`. Both see
themselves and players on their namespace as the username they logged on with.
A special namespace exists for Blizzard employees. All Blizzard Representatives
and System Operators appear as `name@Blizzard`.
To connect, use **TCP** port **6112** and the domain name or IP address of the
#### Bots has had many players using various forms of automated programs,
"bots", on the servers. They have been made to do everything from
chat and moderation, "warring" (the act of spamming or filling up a channel to
annoy or aggrevate the players), cheating (win bots, which fake games to
increase a win record, or Diablo II run bots). Blizzard does not approve of any
of these uses, but has only taken action against those bots which affect the
game experience, namely any bots who join a game server or hosted game. They
ignore bots who do chat and moderation with the policy that they won't
interfere with private channel disputes.
#### CD Keys
To log on to with a game you own, BNCS requires that you securely
send your game's product key (known as a CD Key, as all these titles came only
on CDs when they came out).
CD Keys come in 13-digit (StarCraft), 16-character (WarCraft II and Diablo II),
and 26-character (WarCraft III and all digital download/digital purchase keys)
variants, and are decoded into a product value, public value, and private value
using different algorithms for each key type. You send the product and public
values and do a hash of the three values to verify that you have the key.
#### Spawn Clients
Spawning is a method by which friends could share copies of the game. Though
heavily restricted, the spawned client could join the official client on as long as the official client hosted the game. 2
recently brought the feature back with StarCraft II where joining a party with
a Starter Edition (basically someone who hasn't bought the game) upgrades the
SE player to the full client for the time the person is in the party.
### Storm Peer-to-Peer
Diablo, WarCraft II, and StarCraft bases their peer-to-peer networking on a
system dubbed the Storm UDP Protocol, based on its similarities between the
three games, and their common reliance on the Storm library packaged with the
games. Games are set up by the BNCS game list and hosted by one player. They
are joinable by up to three other players (Diablo), or seven other players
(StarCraft and WarCraft II). The BNCS determines UDP support during logon and
clients will warn you if it cannot be established.
Game clients bind to **UDP** port **6112** to allow hosting games. During BNCS
logon they communicate with the BNCS server at port **6112**. For games, the
game list specifies how to connect to the game host. The game host manages
connecting to the other players to create a fully connected network for the
other members of a game.
### Diablo II Realms
Players of Diablo II may see that there are two ways to connect to,
known as open and closed. Open allows players to share their singleplayer save
with multiplayer, and has no way of verifying characters are not modified. When
playing games on open, Diablo II uses the BNCS to advertise and join
games the same way as the peer-to-peer clients, except the "host" is an
official game server, not a player.
Closed restricts players from cheating, by storing character data on
their Realm servers. When playing games on closed, the BNCS tells
Diablo II clients how to connect to the Realm server during logon. This Realm
server keeps track of characters and game lists for closed The
Realm server tells closed Diablo II clients how to connect to a game server
when joining a game.
All Diablo II communication uses **TCP**, often port **6112**. However, the
Realm server and the game server have their IP and port specified during logon.
### Warcraft III Peer-to-Peer
WarCraft III returns to peer-to-peer networking for games, but uses **TCP**
exclusively and a protocol unrelated to Storm UDP. Games are again set up by
the BNCS game list and hosted by one player. They are joinable by up to
fourteen other players. For ladder games (random matchups or arranged team
matchups), the host may be an official server, to lessen cheating.
Game clients bind to **TCP** port **6112** to allow hosting games, though this
is configurable in the client. During BNCS logon the client advertises the port
it is bound to so that the game list can list your hosted games correctly.
## 2
The second set of servers, dubbed 2 (or BN2), was released around
the time of StarCraft II's release and supports the modern Blizzard games. The account is integrated with the
[ website]( Though there have been rumors and
claims of Classic games and accounts being upgraded or somehow
integrated with the modern 2 systems, no changes have taken place.
Supported products:
* **StarCraft II** (2010-present) (and expansion)
* **World of Warcraft** (2010-present) (and four expansions, support added in
2010 with the "migration" of WoW accounts)
* **Diablo III** (2012-present) (and expansion)
* ** Desktop App** (future) (this is in open beta now, allowing
players to communicate with other players while not in-game or game menus)
* **Hearthstone** (future) (this is in closed beta now)
Each product seems to have their own different protocol with BN2, however they
all use **TCP** port **1119**.
## External Links
* [BnetDocs Redux]( - a complete reference for the
procedure for connecting to and using the BNCS and Diablo II's MCP (for
Realms), and some infromation on the various game protocols.
* [vL Bot Development Forum](,17.0.html) -
a forum for a clan whose members are known for doing a lot of the reverse
engineering of BNET.
* [Classic Plugin for Pidgin]( -
allows users to connect to and use BNCS for chatting while they are not able
or willing to run the game clients, for any libpurple client.