
Remove the old ingress-nginx

2020-02-11, Gary Kramlich
Parents 3f14de05e1a0
Children 585a58194c6e
Remove the old ingress-nginx
  • +0 -309
  • --- a/90-ingress.yaml Tue Feb 11 03:33:21 2020 -0600
    +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    @@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
    -# This cluster uses a single ingress for everything. This means we only use
    -# 1 ip address and thus 1 load balancer which keeps costs down.
    -# This ingress controller is a little bit more convoluted than your typical
    -# one as it's also handling not http tcp services.
    -apiVersion: v1
    -kind: ConfigMap
    - name: ingress-custom-headers
    - namespace: kube-public
    - X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
    -apiVersion: v1
    -kind: ConfigMap
    - name: ingress-tcp-services
    - namespace: kube-public
    - labels:
    - app: ingress
    - role: controller
    - 22: imfreedom/keep:22222
    - 5222: imfreedom/prosody:5222
    - 5269: imfreedom/prosody:5269
    -apiVersion: v1
    -kind: ConfigMap
    - name: ingress-configuration
    - namespace: kube-public
    - labels:
    - app: ingress
    - role: controller
    - proxy-set-headers: "kube-public/ingress-custom-headers"
    - use-forwarded-headers: "true"
    -apiVersion: v1
    -kind: ServiceAccount
    - name: ingress-serviceaccount
    - namespace: kube-public
    - labels:
    - app: ingress
    - role: controller
    -kind: ClusterRole
    - name: ingress-clusterrole
    - labels:
    - app: ingress
    - role: controller
    - - apiGroups:
    - - ""
    - resources:
    - - configmaps
    - - endpoints
    - - nodes
    - - pods
    - - secrets
    - verbs:
    - - list
    - - watch
    - - apiGroups:
    - - ""
    - resources:
    - - nodes
    - verbs:
    - - get
    - - apiGroups:
    - - ""
    - resources:
    - - services
    - verbs:
    - - get
    - - list
    - - watch
    - - apiGroups:
    - - "extensions"
    - resources:
    - - ingresses
    - verbs:
    - - get
    - - list
    - - watch
    - - apiGroups:
    - - ""
    - resources:
    - - events
    - verbs:
    - - create
    - - patch
    - - apiGroups:
    - - "extensions"
    - resources:
    - - ingresses/status
    - verbs:
    - - update
    -kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    - name: ingress-clusterrole-nisa-binding
    - labels:
    - app: ingress
    - role: controller
    - apiGroup:
    - kind: ClusterRole
    - name: ingress-clusterrole
    - - kind: ServiceAccount
    - name: ingress-serviceaccount
    - namespace: kube-public
    -kind: Role
    - name: ingress-role
    - namespace: kube-public
    - labels:
    - app: ingress
    - role: controller
    - - apiGroups:
    - - ""
    - resources:
    - - configmaps
    - - pods
    - - secrets
    - - namespaces
    - verbs:
    - - get
    - - apiGroups:
    - - ""
    - resources:
    - - configmaps
    - resourceNames:
    - # Defaults to "<election-id>-<ingress-class>"
    - # Here: "<ingress-controller-leader>-<nginx>"
    - # This has to be adapted if you change either parameter
    - # when launching the nginx-ingress-controller.
    - - "ingress-controller-leader-nginx"
    - verbs:
    - - get
    - - update
    - - apiGroups:
    - - ""
    - resources:
    - - configmaps
    - verbs:
    - - create
    - - apiGroups:
    - - ""
    - resources:
    - - endpoints
    - verbs:
    - - get
    -kind: RoleBinding
    - name: ingress-role-nisa-binding
    - namespace: kube-public
    - labels:
    - app: ingress
    - role: controller
    - apiGroup:
    - kind: Role
    - name: ingress-role
    - - kind: ServiceAccount
    - name: ingress-serviceaccount
    - namespace: kube-public
    -apiVersion: apps/v1
    -kind: Deployment
    - name: ingress-controller
    - namespace: kube-public
    - labels:
    - app: ingress
    - role: public
    - replicas: 2
    - selector:
    - matchLabels:
    - app: ingress
    - role: controller
    - template:
    - metadata:
    - annotations:
    - ingress-nginx
    - labels:
    - app: ingress
    - role: controller
    - spec:
    - affinity:
    - podAntiAffinity:
    - preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
    - - podAffinityTerm:
    - labelSelector:
    - matchExpressions:
    - - key: app
    - operator: In
    - values:
    - - ingress
    - - key: role
    - operator: In
    - values:
    - - controller
    - topologyKey:
    - weight: 100
    - serviceAccountName: ingress-serviceaccount
    - containers:
    - - name: nginx-ingress-controller
    - image:
    - args:
    - - /nginx-ingress-controller
    - - --configmap=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/ingress-configuration
    - - --publish-service=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/ingress
    - -
    - - --tcp-services-configmap=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/ingress-tcp-services
    - securityContext:
    - capabilities:
    - drop:
    - - ALL
    - add:
    - # www-data -> 33
    - runAsUser: 33
    - env:
    - - name: POD_NAME
    - valueFrom:
    - fieldRef:
    - fieldPath:
    - - name: POD_NAMESPACE
    - valueFrom:
    - fieldRef:
    - fieldPath: metadata.namespace
    - ports:
    - - name: keep-ssh
    - containerPort: 22
    - - name: http
    - containerPort: 80
    - - name: https
    - containerPort: 443
    - - name: xmpp-c2s
    - containerPort: 5222
    - - name: xmpp-s2s
    - containerPort: 5269
    - livenessProbe:
    - failureThreshold: 3
    - httpGet:
    - path: /healthz
    - port: 10254
    - scheme: HTTP
    - initialDelaySeconds: 10
    - periodSeconds: 10
    - successThreshold: 1
    - timeoutSeconds: 1
    - readinessProbe:
    - failureThreshold: 3
    - httpGet:
    - path: /healthz
    - port: 10254
    - scheme: HTTP
    - periodSeconds: 10
    - successThreshold: 1
    - timeoutSeconds: 1
    -apiVersion: v1
    -kind: Service
    - name: ingress
    - namespace: kube-public
    - labels:
    - app: ingress
    - role: controller
    -# annotations:
    -# "true"
    - selector:
    - app: ingress
    - role: controller
    - type: LoadBalancer
    - externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
    - ports:
    - - name: hgkeeper
    - port: 22
    - targetPort: keep-ssh
    - - name: http
    - port: 80
    - targetPort: http
    - - name: https
    - port: 443
    - targetPort: https
    - - name: xmpp-c2s
    - port: 5222
    - targetPort: xmpp-c2s
    - - name: xmpp-s2s
    - port: 5269
    - targetPort: xmpp-s2s