
Apparently teamcity-agent depends on bash
- name: install ufw
name: ufw
state: present
force_apt_get: "yes"
- apt
- name: disable ufw logging
# This takes a string, not a boolean, so "off" must be quoted.
logging: "off"
# This will fail if ufw is not installed.
ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}"
- name: enable ufw with a default deny policy
state: enabled
direction: incoming
policy: deny
# This will fail if ufw is not installed.
ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}"
- name: exempt certain networks from the SSH rate-limit
rule: allow
name: OpenSSH
src: "{{ item.address }}"
loop: "{{ firewall_ssh_exempt_networks }}"
label: "{{ }}"
when: firewall_ssh_exempt_networks | length > 0
# This will fail if ufw is not installed.
ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}"
- ssh
- name: allow and rate-limit SSH
rule: limit
name: OpenSSH
# This will fail if ufw is not installed.
ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}"
- ssh
# The default behavior of a TCP stack (e.g. with ufw disabled) is to reply to
# invalid TCP packets with a reset (RST). Since ufw uses connection tracking
# and drops (-j DROP) packets with a "ctstate" of "INVALID", this does not
# happen. Invalid TCP packets are simply dropped. This is problematic if the
# TCP packet corresponds to a previous connection and the server has rebooted
# (or a VIP has migrated to a different server). The remote client has to
# timeout, which can take a long time.
# This change adds an additional iptables rule to reject these with TCP resets
# (-j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset). Note that this is subtly different
# from letting the TCP stack reply with an RST. This happens earlier in
# packet processing. I'm not sure if that actually matters, but if it does,
# it will be helpful rather than hurtful.
# This does make a system a bit less "steathly", as you can use invalid TCP
# packets to elicit a response. That is not a concern on servers, since they
# respond on well-known ports anyway.
# This should not create any opportunity for an amplification attack.
- name: send TCP resets for invalid connections
path: "/etc/ufw/before{{ item }}.rules"
insertbefore: >-
^-A ufw{{ item }}-before-input -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP
line: >-
-A ufw{{ item }}-before-input -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -p tcp
-j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
- reload ufw
- ""
- "6"
label: "ip{{ item }}"
# This will fail if ufw is not installed because the files will not exist.
ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}"