
Make sure dovecot auth is all setup for postfix
# Instant Messaging Freedom Ansible
This repository contains the ansible configuration for running our non
kubernetes infrastructure.
## Setup
Before you can run our ansible playbooks, you need to meet the following
* create a file named `vault_password` in the repository root with the proper
decryption password of the ansible vaulted file with our secrets.
* download all the collections our roles depend on with the following command
ansible-galaxy collection install \
--requirements-file collections/requirements.yml
## Running
There are a number of playbooks that you can run.
* `mail_servers.yaml` is for setting up our e-mail servers.
* `status_page_servers.yaml` is for setting up the hosts that run
* `teamcity_convey_agents.yaml` sets up the TeamCity build agents that use
Docker and convey.
* `teamcity_coverity_agents.yaml` sets up the TeamCity build agents that
run Coverity directly on the agents.
* `teamcity_simple_agents.yaml` sets up the TeamCity build agents that run
directly on the agents.
To run one of these playbooks you just need to run
ansible-playbook <playbook>
If you just want to run against specific hosts you can use
`--limit host1,host2`.