
Add a bunch of missing documentation

11 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Parents cd8b2d2ccaa7
Children d3cd2785f913
Add a bunch of missing documentation

Testing Done:
Viewed the docs.

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/2507/
--- a/hasl/haslcontext.h Fri Jul 14 01:51:47 2023 -0500
+++ b/hasl/haslcontext.h Fri Jul 14 01:54:10 2023 -0500
@@ -25,6 +25,76 @@
#define HASL_CONTEXT_DOMAIN (g_quark_from_static_string("hasl-context"))
+ * HaslContext:
+ *
+ * The context holds all of the data that the client knows about for
+ * authentication. The [class@Mechanism]s use this data to authenticate.
+ *
+ * A client can limit which mechanisms the context will use with
+ * [method@Context.set_allowed_mechanisms].
+ *
+ * The context also keeps track of which mechanisms have been tried and will
+ * mark one as failed when [method@Context.next] is called. The client then
+ * can call [method@Context.get_current_mechanism] and repeat until
+ * successfully authenticated or all mechanisms have been exhausted.
+ *
+ * A simple example is found below.
+ *
+ * ```c
+ * // After you connect to the server, you can create your context and start
+ * // the authentication process.
+ * HaslContext *context = NULL;
+ * char *mechanism = NULL;
+ *
+ * context = hasl_context_new();
+ * hasl_context_set_username(context, "alice");
+ * hasl_context_set_password(context, "hunter2");
+ * hasl_context_set_allowed_mechanisms(context, "PLAIN,EXTERNAL");
+ *
+ * mechanism = hasl_context_next(context);
+ *
+ * // Attempt your authentication using the mechanism name stored in
+ * // mechanism.
+ * ```
+ *
+ * ```c
+ * // In your receive handler you can now pass the data into hasl_context_step.
+ * HaslMechanismResult res;
+ * GError *error = NULL;
+ * guint8 *client_out = NULL;
+ * gsize client_out_length = 0;
+ *
+ * // Note that if client_out is not NULL it is your responsibility to free it.
+ * res = hasl_context_step(context, server_input, server_input_length,
+ * &client_out, &client_out_length, &error);
+ *
+ * char *mechanism = NULL;
+ *
+ * // Possibly handle error.
+ *
+ * // Tell the context to try the next mechanism.
+ * mechanism = hasl_context_next(context);
+ *
+ * // If you don't have any more mechanisms, authentication failed.
+ * if(mechanism == NULL) {
+ * // Terminate connection.
+ * }
+ *
+ * // Tell the server you would like to try another mechanism with the
+ * // value stored in mechanism.
+ * } else if(res == HASL_MECHANISM_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
+ * // Authentication complete.
+ * } else if(res == HASL_MECHANISM_CONTINUE) {
+ * // Otherwise send client_out to the server.
+ * }
+ *
+ * g_free(client_out);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Since: 0.1.0
+ */
#define HASL_TYPE_CONTEXT (hasl_context_get_type())
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE(HaslContext, hasl_context, HASL, CONTEXT, GObject)
--- a/hasl/haslmechanism.h Fri Jul 14 01:51:47 2023 -0500
+++ b/hasl/haslmechanism.h Fri Jul 14 01:54:10 2023 -0500
@@ -23,6 +23,17 @@
+ * HaslMechanism:
+ *
+ * The base class for all mechanisms.
+ *
+ * All mechanisms need to implement [method@Mechanism.step] but may optionally
+ * implement [method@Mechanism.possible].
+ *
+ * Since: 0.1.0
+ */
#define HASL_TYPE_MECHANISM (hasl_mechanism_get_type())
G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE(HaslMechanism, hasl_mechanism, HASL, MECHANISM,
--- a/hasl/haslmechanismexternal.h Fri Jul 14 01:51:47 2023 -0500
+++ b/hasl/haslmechanismexternal.h Fri Jul 14 01:54:10 2023 -0500
@@ -26,6 +26,21 @@
+ * HaslMechanismExternal:
+ *
+ * Implements the SASL EXTERNAL mechanism per
+ * [RFC 4422](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4422).
+ *
+ * If [property@Context:authzid] is set, it will be used.
+ *
+ * There are multiple ways that a server could externally authenticate a user,
+ * so there is no dependency on [property@Context:tls] as the server could be
+ * authenticating via IP addresses for example.
+ *
+ * Since: 0.1.0
+ */
#define HASL_TYPE_MECHANISM_EXTERNAL (hasl_mechanism_external_get_type())
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE(HaslMechanismExternal, hasl_mechanism_external, HASL,