
Add version macros and exports to all functions

7 months ago, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Add version macros and exports to all functions

This is basically copied from GPlugin.

I'm not sure if the 0.1 tag should just be made `AVAILABLE_IN_ALL`?

Testing Done:
Compiled and ran tests on Linux and Windows.

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/2675/
0.3.0: ????-??-??:
* Nothing yet, be the first!
0.2.0: 2023-08-04:
* Use g_error_set_literal in HaslContext were applicable. (RR 2508) (Gary
* Implement the ANONYMOUS mechanism. (HASL-6) (RR 2505) (Gary Kramlich)
* Add a bunch of missing documentation. (RR 2507) (Gary Kramlich)
* Add the hasl_version_* API. (HASL-3) (RR 2504) (Gary Kramlich)
* Fix some issues with the PLAIN mechanism. (RR 2506) (Gary Kramlich)
0.1.0: 2023-06-28:
* Initial revision.
* Add support for PLAIN and EXTERNAL mechanism.