
Remove micro versions from Since tags

3 months ago, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Remove micro versions from Since tags

Testing Done:
Ran `ninja build`.

Reviewed at https://reviews.imfreedom.org/r/2999/
# Hasl
The Hassle-free Authentication and Security Layer client library
## About
This project grew out of necessity for [Pidgin 3](https://pidgin.im). We ran
into a number of issues with both cyrus-sasl and gsasl and finally decided we
would just write our own library.
Another part of this, was that we need to easily add additional SASL
mechanisms, and while both cyrus-sasl and gsasl allow this, their
implementations are very different from the rest of our GObject based code
The name came from a Twitch viewer of
[grim's stream](https://twitch.tv/rw_grim) by the name of taniwha3.
## Building
Standard [meson](https://mesonbuild.com) project build:
meson setup build
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build
### Configuration
There are configuration options for a few things, but you'll probably only be
interested in `doc` and `introspection`. Please note that `doc` requires
## Documentation
Documentation and API reference for the project can be found at