
make the status command require a mention
2019-06-08, Gary Kramlich
make the status command require a mention
package discord
import (
type Globals struct {
client *DiscordClient
msg *discordgo.MessageCreate
ctx *kong.Context
type Commands struct {
Help HelpCmd `kong:"cmd,help='displays this help message'"`
Order66 Order66Cmd `kong:"cmd,hidden"`
SetChannel SetChannelCmd `kong:"cmd,help='set the current channel as the channel to announce new streams'"`
ShowConfig ShowConfigCmd `kong:"cmd,help='show the configuration for the current guild.'"`
Status StatusCmd `kong:"cmd,help='get the streaming status of someone'"`
Twitch TwitchCmd `kong:"cmd,help='check if someone is streaming on twitch'"`
Uptime UptimeCmd `kong:"cmd,help='display how long the bot has been running for'"`
type Order66Cmd struct{}
func (c *Order66Cmd) Run(g *Globals) error {
g.client.sendChannel(g.msg.ChannelID, "yes my lord")
return nil
func (c *DiscordClient) processCommand(args []string, m *discordgo.MessageCreate) error {
cmd := Commands{
Globals: Globals{
client: c,
msg: m,
buf := &strings.Builder{}
parser, err := kong.New(
kong.Description("This bot auto announces when people start streaming"),
kong.Exit(func(int) {}),
Compact: true,
kong.Writers(buf, buf),
if err != nil {
c.sendChannel(m.ChannelID, fmt.Sprintf("error: %v", err))
return err
ctx, err := parser.Parse(args)
if err != nil {
c.sendChannel(m.ChannelID, fmt.Sprintf("error: %v", err))
return err
cmd.Globals.ctx = ctx
err = ctx.Run(&cmd.Globals)
if err != nil {
return err
if buf.Len() > 0 {
c.sendChannel(m.ChannelID, fmt.Sprintf("```%s```", buf.String()))
return nil