

WasDead is a discord bot that monitors the presence of users on the server it is connected to and announces automatically when they are streaming.


This project was started at TheToyz/nowdead and later adopted to where it resides today.

The name is a pun of the Now Live Discord which we were previously using because it it would auto announce whenever anyone in the server sould start streaming. This worked great for quite a while, but then Now Live started having issues and this feature stopped working. After a few months of waiting, we created WasDead.


Using the Public Version

As of right now the bot is not public and can only be added to servers by Gary Kramlich Once the bot is a bit more featureful and polished it will be made public and it will be made public.

In the mean time, this is the link that is necessary to add the bot to a server. As mentioned above this will error out for anyone that's not Gary Kramlich.

Self Hosting

To run the both locally you'll need to setup a Discord application and get the bot token for it. You will also need to create a twitch application and get it's client id.

Once you have those, you can start the bot with

./wasdead run --discord-token=DISCORD_TOKEN --twitch-client-id=TWITCH_CLIENT_ID


There are a couple of commands that are available to you. Once the bot has joined your server, you need to tell it what channel it should post the automatic announcements in. You will do this with the set-channel command.

All commands are sent to the bot in a channel and must mention the bot at the start of the message. Ie: @wasdead help.

| Command | Arguments | Description | +-------------+-----------+-------------+ | help | None | Displays usage information. | | set-channel | None | Sets the current channel to the announcement channel. | | show-config | None | Shows the configuration for the current server. | | status | Optional | Displays the streaming status for the user sending the message or a given target. | | uptime | None | Display how long the bot has been running. |

Recent Changes