
Add a makefile

2020-11-02, Gary Kramlich
Add a makefile
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os.path
from django import forms
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from djblets.siteconfig.forms import SiteSettingsForm
from djblets.siteconfig.models import SiteConfiguration
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from reviewboard.accounts.backends import AuthBackend
from reviewboard.extensions.base import Extension
from reviewboard.extensions.hooks import AuthBackendHook
def _update_user(user, token):
""" Updates a user according to what is set it hub. This is mostly to deal
with email changes, but they can also change their name and username so
this just updates everything.
siteconfig = SiteConfiguration.objects.get_current()
# look up the user in hub
base_url = siteconfig.get('auth_jetbrains_hub_url')
uri = os.path.join(base_url, 'api/rest/oauth2/userinfo')
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
resp = requests.get(uri, headers=headers)
hub_user = resp.json()
# we don't have a good way to split the username to a first name/last name,
# so we split on the first space and then treat the two parts as the first
# and last names.
name_parts = hub_user['name'].split(' ', 1)
# figure the users email address
email = hub_user.get('email', '')
# only set the users email address if it is verified. This is problematic
# when a user is anonymized, but we'll come back to that.
if hub_user.get('email_verified', False): = email
# now update the django user
user.first_name = name_parts[0]
user.last_name = len(name_parts) > 1 and name_parts[1] or ''
return user
class JetBrainsHubSettingsForm(SiteSettingsForm):
""" JetBrains Hub Settings Form """
auth_jetbrains_hub_url = forms.CharField(
label=_('JetBrains Hub instance URL'),
help_text=_('The URL of your JetBrains Hub instance.'),
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': '40'}),
auth_jetbrains_hub_client_id = forms.CharField(
label=_('Client ID'),
help_text=_('The client ID for the JetBrains Hub Service'),
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': '40'}),
auth_jetbrains_hub_client_secret = forms.CharField(
label=_('Client Secret'),
help_text=_('The client secret for the JetBrains Hub Service'),
widget=forms.PasswordInput(render_value=True, attrs={'size': '40'}),
auth_jetbrains_hub_scopes = forms.CharField(
help_text=_('A space separated list scopes that you are requesting '
'from the issuer.'),
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': '40'}),
class Meta:
title = _("JetBrains Hub Settings")
class JetBrainsHubAuthBackend(AuthBackend):
backend_id = 'grim-jbhub'
name = _('JetBrains Hub')
settings_form = JetBrainsHubSettingsForm
login_instructions = _('If you have 2FA enabled on your Hub account or '
'your hub account doesn\'t have a password, you '
'will need to use an application password.')
def authenticate(self, username, password, **kwargs):
siteconfig = SiteConfiguration.objects.get_current()
username = username.strip()
data = {
'grant_type': 'password',
'scope': siteconfig.get('auth_jetbrains_hub_scopes'),
'username': username,
'password': password,
uri = os.path.join(
auth = HTTPBasicAuth(
resp =, auth=auth, data=data)
if resp.status_code != 200:
return None
json = resp.json()
token = json.get('access_token', '')
return self.get_or_create_user(username, token)
def get_or_create_user(self, username, token, request=None):
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
except User.DoesNotExist:
user = User.objects.create_user(username=username)
return _update_user(user, token)
class JetBrainsHubExtension(Extension):
metadata = {
'Name': _('JetBrains Hub Authentication'),
'Summary': _('Support for JetBrains Hub'),
def initialize(self):
AuthBackendHook(self, JetBrainsHubAuthBackend)