
4 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Parents 94fcfa5d18c3
Children 260d202c843b
  • +1 -33
  • --- a/readme Wed Jan 31 03:20:53 2024 -0600
    +++ b/readme Wed Jan 31 03:41:36 2024 -0600
    @@ -1,33 +1,1 @@
    -Mercurial Distributed SCM
    -basic commands:
    - absorb incorporate corrections into the stack of draft changesets
    - add add the specified files on the next commit
    - amend combine a changeset with updates and replace it with a new one
    - annotate show changeset information by line for each file
    - clone make a copy of an existing repository
    - commit commit the specified files or all outstanding changes
    - diff diff repository (or selected files)
    - evolve solve troubled changesets in your repository
    - export dump the header and diffs for one or more changesets
    - fixup add working directory changes to an arbitrary revision
    - fold fold multiple revisions into a single one
    - forget forget the specified files on the next commit
    - init create a new repository in the given directory
    - log show revision history of entire repository or files
    - merge merge another revision into working directory
    - next update to next child revision
    - previous update to parent revision
    - prune mark changesets as obsolete or succeeded by another changeset
    - pull pull changes from the specified source
    - push push changes to the specified destination
    - remove remove the specified files on the next commit
    - rewind rewind a stack of changesets to a previous state
    - serve start stand-alone webserver
    - split split a changeset into smaller changesets
    - status show changed files in the working directory
    - summary summarize working directory state
    - update update working directory (or switch revisions)
    -(use 'hg help' for the full list of commands or 'hg -v' for details)