
Clean up a bunch typos and stuff

2017-08-07, Gary Kramlich
Clean up a bunch typos and stuff
# skeleton-libpurple
This repository is a starting point for writing libpurple plugins.
You can fork it and use its build system to build your own custom plugin immediately. By forking this repo you can easily pull in updates to it too!
## Getting Started
This plugin uses the [Meson build system]( It is currently set up for simple plugins where all you need to do is make a few changes.
Below is the top of the stock ``.
version: '0.1.0',
You should change `skeleton-libpurple` and `version` in the call to `project()` to match the name and version of your plugin respectively.
Next you'll need to set the `SOURCES` variable to the list of files in your plugin.
Once that's done you can move on to the usage section.
## Usage
Once your `` file is good to go, you can generate your build system with `meson build`. This will generate your build system in a directory named build in the current directory.
To now run the build you can run `ninja -C build` or if you prefer:
cd build
If everything built fine, you can use `ninja install` to install the plugin so that your libpurple client can use it.
If you ever want to uninstall the plugin, you can type `ninja uninstall`.
While developing your build will become incremental automatically, so if you want to build from scratch, you can use `ninja clean` to remove the intermediate files.
## Support
If you're having issues with this repository, please open an issue in the Bitbucket project.