
cleaned up the hierarchy template a bit (was kind of messy, more cleaning is possible, but right now it works
made the title for the hierarchy template optional
removed the titles from the object key and the relationship key
cleaned up the graphs page and added xref's to the newly created figures
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<class name="PurplePlugin" type="abstract">
<property name="state" type="PurplePluginState" scope="private"/>
<property name="filename" type="gchar *" scope="private"/>
<property name="info" type="PurplePluginInfo" scope="private"/>
<method name="purple_plugin_get_state" type="PurplePluginState" scope="public">
<argument name="plugin" type="const PurplePlugin *"/>
<method name="purple_plugin_get_filename" type="const gchar *" scope="public">
<argument name="plugin" type="const PurplePlugin *"/>
<method name="purple_plugin_get_info" type="PurplePluginInfo *" scope="public">
<argument name="plugin" type="const PurplePlugin *"/>
vi: syntax=xml