
Parents 3a52d37dd34e
Children 741992355ead
remove drag and drop from the notebook in gtkconv

The new PidginConversationWindow is using a GtkTreeView for navigation and the drag and drop code is just getting in the way while trying to migrate everything so deleting it now makes it easier to migrate.

Testing Done:
Opened two XMPP conversations, verified drag and drop longer worked and that there were no new compiler warnings.

Reviewed at
--- a/pidgin/gtkconv.c Mon Oct 11 21:17:53 2021 -0500
+++ b/pidgin/gtkconv.c Mon Oct 11 23:47:26 2021 -0500
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@
static void pidgin_conv_set_position_size(PidginConvWindow *win, int x, int y,
int width, int height);
-static gboolean pidgin_conv_xy_to_right_infopane(PidginConvWindow *win, int x, int y);
static PurpleBlistNode *
get_conversation_blist_node(PurpleConversation *conv)
@@ -4017,21 +4016,6 @@
-static gboolean
-pidgin_conv_xy_to_right_infopane(PidginConvWindow *win, int x, int y)
- gint pane_x, pane_y, x_rel;
- PidginConversation *gtkconv;
- GtkAllocation allocation;
- gdk_window_get_origin(gtk_widget_get_window(win->notebook),
- &pane_x, &pane_y);
- x_rel = x - pane_x;
- gtkconv = pidgin_conv_window_get_active_gtkconv(win);
- gtk_widget_get_allocation(gtkconv->infopane, &allocation);
- return (x_rel > allocation.x + allocation.width / 2);
pidgin_conv_get_tab_at_xy(PidginConvWindow *win, int x, int y, gboolean *to_right)
@@ -4964,346 +4948,6 @@
static void
-notebook_init_grab(PidginConvWindow *gtkwin, GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event)
- static GdkCursor *cursor = NULL;
- GdkDevice *device;
- gtkwin->in_drag = TRUE;
- if (gtkwin->drag_leave_signal) {
- g_signal_handler_disconnect(G_OBJECT(widget),
- gtkwin->drag_leave_signal);
- gtkwin->drag_leave_signal = 0;
- }
- if (cursor == NULL) {
- GdkDisplay *display = gtk_widget_get_display(gtkwin->notebook);
- cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display(display, GDK_FLEUR);
- }
- /* Grab the pointer */
- gtk_grab_add(gtkwin->notebook);
- device = gdk_event_get_device(event);
- if (!gdk_display_device_is_grabbed(gdk_device_get_display(device),
- device)) {
- gdk_seat_grab(gdk_event_get_seat(event),
- gtk_widget_get_window(gtkwin->notebook),
- }
-static gboolean
-notebook_motion_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *e, PidginConvWindow *win)
- /*
- * Make sure the user moved the mouse far enough for the
- * drag to be initiated.
- */
- if (win->in_predrag) {
- if (e->x_root < win->drag_min_x ||
- e->x_root >= win->drag_max_x ||
- e->y_root < win->drag_min_y ||
- e->y_root >= win->drag_max_y) {
- win->in_predrag = FALSE;
- notebook_init_grab(win, widget, (GdkEvent *)e);
- }
- }
- else { /* Otherwise, draw the arrows. */
- PidginConvWindow *dest_win;
- GtkNotebook *dest_notebook;
- GtkWidget *tab;
- gint page_num;
- gboolean horiz_tabs = FALSE;
- gboolean to_right = FALSE;
- /* Get the window that the cursor is over. */
- dest_win = pidgin_conv_window_get_at_event((GdkEvent *)e);
- if (dest_win == NULL) {
- pidgin_dnd_hints_hide_all();
- return TRUE;
- }
- dest_notebook = GTK_NOTEBOOK(dest_win->notebook);
- if (gtk_notebook_get_show_tabs(dest_notebook)) {
- page_num = pidgin_conv_get_tab_at_xy(dest_win,
- e->x_root, e->y_root, &to_right);
- to_right = to_right && (win != dest_win);
- tab = pidgin_conv_window_get_gtkconv_at_index(dest_win, page_num)->tabby;
- } else {
- page_num = 0;
- to_right = pidgin_conv_xy_to_right_infopane(dest_win, e->x_root, e->y_root);
- tab = pidgin_conv_window_get_gtkconv_at_index(dest_win, page_num)->infopane;
- }
- if (gtk_notebook_get_tab_pos(dest_notebook) == GTK_POS_TOP ||
- gtk_notebook_get_tab_pos(dest_notebook) == GTK_POS_BOTTOM) {
- horiz_tabs = TRUE;
- }
- if (gtk_notebook_get_show_tabs(dest_notebook) == FALSE && win == dest_win)
- {
- /* dragging a tab from a single-tabbed window over its own window */
- pidgin_dnd_hints_hide_all();
- return TRUE;
- } else if (horiz_tabs) {
- if (((gpointer)win == (gpointer)dest_win && win->drag_tab < page_num) || to_right) {
- pidgin_dnd_hints_show_relative(HINT_ARROW_DOWN, tab, HINT_POSITION_RIGHT, HINT_POSITION_TOP);
- pidgin_dnd_hints_show_relative(HINT_ARROW_UP, tab, HINT_POSITION_RIGHT, HINT_POSITION_BOTTOM);
- } else {
- pidgin_dnd_hints_show_relative(HINT_ARROW_DOWN, tab, HINT_POSITION_LEFT, HINT_POSITION_TOP);
- pidgin_dnd_hints_show_relative(HINT_ARROW_UP, tab, HINT_POSITION_LEFT, HINT_POSITION_BOTTOM);
- }
- } else {
- if (((gpointer)win == (gpointer)dest_win && win->drag_tab < page_num) || to_right) {
- pidgin_dnd_hints_show_relative(HINT_ARROW_RIGHT, tab, HINT_POSITION_LEFT, HINT_POSITION_BOTTOM);
- pidgin_dnd_hints_show_relative(HINT_ARROW_LEFT, tab, HINT_POSITION_RIGHT, HINT_POSITION_BOTTOM);
- } else {
- pidgin_dnd_hints_show_relative(HINT_ARROW_RIGHT, tab, HINT_POSITION_LEFT, HINT_POSITION_TOP);
- pidgin_dnd_hints_show_relative(HINT_ARROW_LEFT, tab, HINT_POSITION_RIGHT, HINT_POSITION_TOP);
- }
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-notebook_leave_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventCrossing *e, PidginConvWindow *win)
- if (win->in_drag)
- return FALSE;
- if (e->x_root < win->drag_min_x ||
- e->x_root >= win->drag_max_x ||
- e->y_root < win->drag_min_y ||
- e->y_root >= win->drag_max_y) {
- win->in_predrag = FALSE;
- notebook_init_grab(win, widget, (GdkEvent *)e);
- }
- return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-notebook_press_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *e, PidginConvWindow *win)
- gint nb_x, nb_y;
- int tab_clicked;
- GtkWidget *page;
- GtkWidget *tab;
- GtkAllocation allocation;
- if (e->button == GDK_BUTTON_MIDDLE && e->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) {
- PidginConversation *gtkconv;
- tab_clicked = pidgin_conv_get_tab_at_xy(win, e->x_root, e->y_root, NULL);
- if (tab_clicked == -1)
- return FALSE;
- gtkconv = pidgin_conv_window_get_gtkconv_at_index(win, tab_clicked);
- close_conv_cb(NULL, gtkconv);
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (e->button != GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY || e->type != GDK_BUTTON_PRESS)
- return FALSE;
- if (win->in_drag) {
- purple_debug_warning("gtkconv",
- "Already in the middle of a window drag at tab_press_cb");
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Make sure a tab was actually clicked. The arrow buttons
- * mess things up.
- */
- tab_clicked = pidgin_conv_get_tab_at_xy(win, e->x_root, e->y_root, NULL);
- if (tab_clicked == -1)
- return FALSE;
- /*
- * Get the relative position of the press event, with regards to
- * the position of the notebook.
- */
- gdk_window_get_origin(gtk_widget_get_window(win->notebook), &nb_x, &nb_y);
- /* Reset the min/max x/y */
- win->drag_min_x = 0;
- win->drag_min_y = 0;
- win->drag_max_x = 0;
- win->drag_max_y = 0;
- /* Find out which tab was dragged. */
- page = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(win->notebook), tab_clicked);
- tab = gtk_notebook_get_tab_label(GTK_NOTEBOOK(win->notebook), page);
- gtk_widget_get_allocation(tab, &allocation);
- win->drag_min_x = allocation.x + nb_x;
- win->drag_min_y = allocation.y + nb_y;
- win->drag_max_x = allocation.width + win->drag_min_x;
- win->drag_max_y = allocation.height + win->drag_min_y;
- /* Make sure the click occurred in the tab. */
- if (e->x_root < win->drag_min_x ||
- e->x_root >= win->drag_max_x ||
- e->y_root < win->drag_min_y ||
- e->y_root >= win->drag_max_y) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- win->in_predrag = TRUE;
- win->drag_tab = tab_clicked;
- /* Connect the new motion signals. */
- win->drag_motion_signal =
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(widget), "motion_notify_event",
- G_CALLBACK(notebook_motion_cb), win);
- win->drag_leave_signal =
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(widget), "leave_notify_event",
- G_CALLBACK(notebook_leave_cb), win);
- return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-notebook_release_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *e, PidginConvWindow *win)
- PidginConvWindow *dest_win;
- GtkNotebook *dest_notebook;
- PidginConversation *active_gtkconv;
- PidginConversation *gtkconv;
- gint dest_page_num = 0;
- gboolean new_window = FALSE;
- gboolean to_right = FALSE;
- GdkDevice *device;
- /*
- * Don't check to make sure that the event's window matches the
- * widget's, because we may be getting an event passed on from the
- * close button.
- */
- if (e->button != GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY && e->type != GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE)
- return FALSE;
- device = gdk_event_get_device((GdkEvent *)e);
- if (gdk_display_device_is_grabbed(gdk_device_get_display(device), device)) {
- gdk_seat_ungrab(gdk_event_get_seat((GdkEvent *)e));
- gtk_grab_remove(widget);
- }
- if (!win->in_predrag && !win->in_drag)
- return FALSE;
- /* Disconnect the motion signal. */
- if (win->drag_motion_signal) {
- g_signal_handler_disconnect(G_OBJECT(widget),
- win->drag_motion_signal);
- win->drag_motion_signal = 0;
- }
- /*
- * If we're in a pre-drag, we'll also need to disconnect the leave
- * signal.
- */
- if (win->in_predrag) {
- win->in_predrag = FALSE;
- if (win->drag_leave_signal) {
- g_signal_handler_disconnect(G_OBJECT(widget),
- win->drag_leave_signal);
- win->drag_leave_signal = 0;
- }
- }
- /* If we're not in drag... */
- /* We're perfectly normal people! */
- if (!win->in_drag)
- return FALSE;
- win->in_drag = FALSE;
- pidgin_dnd_hints_hide_all();
- dest_win = pidgin_conv_window_get_at_event((GdkEvent *)e);
- active_gtkconv = pidgin_conv_window_get_active_gtkconv(win);
- if (dest_win == NULL) {
- /* If the current window doesn't have any other conversations,
- * there isn't much point transferring the conv to a new window. */
- if (pidgin_conv_window_get_gtkconv_count(win) > 1) {
- /* Make a new window to stick this to. */
- dest_win = pidgin_conv_window_new();
- new_window = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (dest_win == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- purple_signal_emit(pidgin_conversations_get_handle(),
- "conversation-dragging", win, dest_win);
- /* Get the destination page number. */
- if (!new_window) {
- dest_notebook = GTK_NOTEBOOK(dest_win->notebook);
- if (gtk_notebook_get_show_tabs(dest_notebook)) {
- dest_page_num = pidgin_conv_get_tab_at_xy(dest_win,
- e->x_root, e->y_root, &to_right);
- } else {
- dest_page_num = 0;
- to_right = pidgin_conv_xy_to_right_infopane(dest_win, e->x_root, e->y_root);
- }
- }
- gtkconv = pidgin_conv_window_get_gtkconv_at_index(win, win->drag_tab);
- if (win == dest_win) {
- gtk_notebook_reorder_child(GTK_NOTEBOOK(win->notebook), gtkconv->tab_cont, dest_page_num);
- } else {
- pidgin_conv_window_remove_gtkconv(win, gtkconv);
- pidgin_conv_window_add_gtkconv(dest_win, gtkconv);
- gtk_notebook_reorder_child(GTK_NOTEBOOK(dest_win->notebook), gtkconv->tab_cont, dest_page_num + to_right);
- pidgin_conv_window_switch_gtkconv(dest_win, gtkconv);
- if (new_window) {
- gint win_width, win_height;
- gtk_window_get_size(GTK_WINDOW(dest_win->window),
- &win_width, &win_height);
-#ifdef _WIN32 /* only override window manager placement on Windows */
- gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(dest_win->window),
- e->x_root - (win_width / 2),
- e->y_root - (win_height / 2));
- pidgin_conv_window_show(dest_win);
- }
- }
- gtk_widget_grab_focus(active_gtkconv->editor);
- return TRUE;
-static void
before_switch_conv_cb(GtkNotebook *notebook, GtkWidget *page, gint page_num,
gpointer user_data)
@@ -5546,14 +5190,6 @@
g_signal_connect_after(G_OBJECT(win->notebook), "switch_page",
G_CALLBACK(switch_conv_cb), win);
- /* Setup the tab drag and drop signals. */
- gtk_widget_add_events(win->notebook,
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(win->notebook), "button_press_event",
- G_CALLBACK(notebook_press_cb), win);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(win->notebook), "button_release_event",
- G_CALLBACK(notebook_release_cb), win);
testidea = pidgin_conversation_window_get_vbox(PIDGIN_CONVERSATION_WINDOW(win->window));
/* Setup the menubar. */