
Prepare for the 1.1.0 release
17 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Prepare for the 1.1.0 release
# SSH Host Keys
Since HGKeeper provides and SSH server, you will need to generate SSH host keys
for it. You can disable the SSH server if you like, see the [usage](usage)
documentation for more information.
You can generate SSH host keys for whatever key type you prefer, but we would
recommend not using `ssh-rsa` as it's been deprecated and schedule for removal
in [OpenSSH 8.7]( So for the purpose
of this documentation, we will be using `ed25519` keys.
By default, the SSH host keys will be looked for in the directory `host-keys`
in the working directory of HGKeeper. This can be changed via the
`ssh-host-keys-path` command line argument or the `HGK_SSH_HOST_KEYS_PATH`
environment variable.
This directory will be read and any files in it will attempt to be loaded as
SSH host keys into the server.
To generate a host key you can use the following command. Note that you can
create other types via the `-t` command line argument, but you should read the
`ssh-keygen` documentation as other options are available for each type.
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -o host-keys/ssh_host_ed25519_key