
Prepare for the 1.1.0 release
17 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Prepare for the 1.1.0 release
# Administration Repository
First we will create the HGKeeper administration repository. We will use the
normal HGKeeper container with an overridden command to run the setup. An extra
step with this method is that you will need to volume mount a file containing
the public key of the initial administrator into this invocation. In the
following example we assume that the key is in `~/.ssh/`.
Be sure to replace the value of `my_username` with the username that would like
to use.
Also, since this container is just used for initialization of the
administration repository, we will pass the `--rm` flag to make sure it will be
deleted when done.
docker run --rm \
--volume $(pwd)/repos:/repos \
--volume ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.puc:/admin-pubkey:ro \
--env HGK_ADMIN_USERNAME=my_username \
--env HGK_ADMIN_PUBKEY=/admin-pubkey \
--env HGK_REPOS_PATH=/repos \ \
hgkeeper setup
Once this step has completed, you should now have a `repos` directory in your
current working directory and it should have a brand new `hgkeeper`
administration repository in it. These repositories are HGKeeper's copies of
them, you should not modify them directly and should be using the SSH
capabilities of HGKeeper to push/pull to/from them.