
Use Go 1.22 and update dependencies
default tip
2 months ago, aklitzing
Use Go 1.22 and update dependencies

Reviewed at
package authorized_keys
import (
type Command struct {
PubKey string `kong:"arg,help='The pubkey of the calling user'"`
HGKeeperExec string `kong:"flag,help='The path to hgkeeper executable',default='hgkeeper'"`
func (c *Command) Run(g *globals.Globals) error {
if err := access.Setup(g.ReposPath, g.AdminRepo, g.LdapConfig); err != nil {
return err
defer access.Teardown()
username := access.UsernameFromPubkey(c.PubKey)
if username == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("username not found for pubkey: %s", c.PubKey)
options := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("command=\"%s --repos-path='%s' once %s\"", c.HGKeeperExec, g.ReposPath, username),
fmt.Printf("%s %s", strings.Join(options, ","), c.PubKey)
return nil