
A few more typoes in the docs
23 months ago, Gary Kramlich
A few more typoes in the docs
# Running The Container
Now that we have the administration repository as well as the SSH host keys, we
can finally run HGKeeper.
The following example command makes the same assumptions as the `setup`
container did above. However, it's going to expose the container on the host's
network interface. We also run it in the background and give it a name of
`HGKeeper`. If you're just doing testing, you will probably want to remove the
`--detach`, `--name hgkeeper`, and `--restart=unless-stopped` options.
docker run \
--detach \
--name hgkeeper \
--restart=unless-stopped \
--volume $(pwd)/host-keys:/host-keys:ro \
--volume $(pwd)/repos:/repos \
--env HGK_SSH_HOST_KEYS=/host-keys \
--env HGK_REPOS_PATH=/repos \
--publish 8080:8080 \
--publish 22222:22222 \ \
hgkeeper serve